Monday, June 30, 2008

Best Friends

My best friends! Kelsey, me and Chayna! on our last day as freshman at Wasilla High School!

Dallin Beus, the sweetest, weirdest person I've ever met. He's my best friend!

Me and Kelsey at my house, I had her pegged!

Last day of school, Rae Anne, Cori and Katie!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Elks Camp!!!

Hope!!! she's basically the coolest camper of the year and she was a liger here!

we fit 4 counselors in this one pair of underwear!

Irene said it hurt because she was in the front

this is Allysa, she was the cutest little girl ever!

all my girls... almost

we were the first to get to wherever we were going

Kaylee and Shorty

Linnea being gorgeous! it was for their skit

emily, haley and shania! all my campers!

Kaylee and me! awesome counselors!

All my girls, on the first day, it was so much fun and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Youth conference

youth conference was pretty much amazing and I loved every second of it, in addition to the awkward conversations there was also a laugh battle and tons of weird random dancing. It was a blast all around. and we made a "quiet place" out behind the church that I never did get a picture of but it was so peaceful. If you went too I hope you enjoyed it as well!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My big "sister"

This is Rachael Snow, and me of course. This is us the last time I saw her, she just moved to misery... I mean missouri and then she's going to college at BYU in Provo. Rachael, I miss you like crazy already and I'm so excited to see you again, not quite sure when that's going to be but we'll see. Have fun in Paris! I hope it's as magical as you want it to be. don't go breakin' all those french hearts!
love sabrina

Saturday, June 7, 2008


okay so I've been experiencing technical diffficulties, no worries though it's almost been sorted out.

girls camp 2008

me on the last day.... yeah I know... scary huh?
everyone out of our merry party before we went off for testimony meeting

me on our bike ride

it itwas so tiring that we had to plunk down the middle of the road.

some of the crazies I was with at camp. mandi, keira and sydney.