Monday, December 19, 2011

Closer, so much closer than I thought

December 18, 2011
Oh what a glorious day! me and Haley being the only ones left in our apartment got up and walked to church this morning in the crazy morning chill, frost everywhere! It was about 15 degrees, I'm okay with being cold in that kind of temperature. We went to church which was our stake today because most of the people have left already. and we just had sacrament meeting then headed home. Me and Haley sat around and took naps. We watched a movie or two and I made more Christmas presents. Then I went to Jon's apartment where they were having a perishable food party for everybody who needed to use their perishable food before leaving for the break. It was quite a genius idea. And lots of fun. Then I headed back to my apartment where Haley was fast asleep on the couch and we spent the rest of the day being bums and watching tv. I like having her as my roomie. And I'm glad she's still here. It would really be an awful few days if I was doing it all alone. As it works out, she's here till Wednesday and I leave on Thursday, so it's not so bad.

Most awkward wedding dance ever....

December 17, 2011
Oh my holy wedding day, Batman! I know of at least 3 weddings that took place today. And I got to see the Wright family!! As you can see from the photo. haha 
It was such fun to catch up with them. I told Kerry that I wasn't going to go to college and I don't think he could wrap his brain around that one. It was kinda funny. 
I'll be home soon!!!!

SLC baby

December 16, 2011
Oh dear, I love this boy! 
I woke up this morning and headed into Salt Lake to see him and his choir perform. He did so good! He had a solo that didn't sound at all like the voice I remembered him having haha It was really great. 
We spent the afternoon walking around temple square talking pictures and going to lunch with his choirmates. It was a grand day. I left in time to make it home, grab a few things then head to Tyler&Lisa's to babysit for Simonboy :) 
It was an all around fantastic day : )


December 15, 2011
Pulling an all nighter! Me and Kristi left to head to the airport for her flight to Ohio tonight and spent some time working on Christmas presents at my grandparents then to the new Sherlock Holmes at midnight. Oh it was all good fun! She fell asleep about halfway through and Whiskey boy was going a little crazy next to us. It was an adventure to be sure. I got her to the airport safely then headed back to my grandparents and promptly fell asleep. Good times!

One tree hill, sabrina's apartment style

December 14, 2011
Oh my goodness I love these girls. They crack me up on a regular basis. And this photo pretty much describes their relationship. They came over and we watched one tree hill and ate junk food and just laughed with each other while I worked on Christmas presents. They are good friends.

Snow is a joke here.

December 13, 2011
Oh today was a good day, I love having a gym membership! 
I went to the gym, worked on Christmas presents, did some grocery shopping then went to see Hugo with some friends from my ward. 
The picture today is of my friend, Dallas' car because we were walking back to my apartment and he'd parked right next to it, but turns out the poor guy got a boot. Unfortunately. So we stood outside talking as the snow fell for about 45 minutes waiting for the guy to come and take the boot off his car. It was kinda fun. 
One of the girls I went to the movies with was being really silly and as we were sitting around waiting for everybody to buy their tickets she said "you go, me go, we go, Hugo!" It made me laugh.

I love Provo.

December 12, 2011
This is a cheeseball. literally. and it was so delicious! me and my roommates had a Christmas goodies eating night. Kimmi made this, I made onion dip, then we both made bazookie (cookie dough and ice cream, delicious!) and we all sat around eating it and watching a cheesy Christmas movie that was on TV. It was such fun! These girls are great! 
Sad story, I don't work at the Red X anymore. 
I went over to Brittany&Kristi's after we had the christmas goodie party and watched one tree hill with them till I was about to fall asleep. 

The girl with the red woolen scarf

December 11, 2011
This is my room roommate Haley. Isn't she cute? we got the opportunity to go out today and take pictures for her family Christmas card. It was quite fun. And I had a great talk with another photographer who hopefully I can learn a thing or two from. 
Ps. I love my ward.

Oh temple Square, I adore you.

December 10, 2011
I have finally seen Temple Square in the wintertime with all the beautiful lights, it was such fun! I went to Simon boy's birthday party for awhile and had fun with the family then headed north to pick up Brittany and get to Salt Lake in time to meet up with her family that decided to drive down from Rexburg for the evening. It was so fun to see them and as luck would have it, we ran into teah & Kia Mercado, Josea Renk and Leilani Hayward and various boyfriends. Oh it was such fun! like a reunion that will probably never take place again. They are so sweet. haha There was so much hugging happening and it made me so happy, I feel like I'm not hugged enough, I'm a big hugger haha 
There was laughter and happiness to be heard by all from every corner of temple square. 
After everybody left to head back to their various towns me and Brittany roamed around for about another hour and had a grand time taking silly pictures and all that jazz. 
Every time I go to temple square I am astounded by the beauty and the peacefulness that even in swarms of hundreds of people can be felt from all who enter there with the right frame of mind. 
The ride back was the longest of my life because by that point me and Brit were so tired haha it was entertaining to be sure.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas cookies once more

December 9, 2011
Today we sang carols, made cookies and sat on Santa's lap. It was all grand and good fun! We all met in my apartments lobby and split into groups and headed to different old folks homes. The group I went with was so fun and the people we sang to were so sweet! I had the chance to talk to a lady named Joyce who is confined to a wheelchair these days, she told me about her family and how she's staying in the home over the holidays because no one has a ramp for her to get into their homes. I hope that some day I'll have plenty of kids, grandkids and maybe even great grandkids to take me and my (someday) loving husband to their homes for the holidays. My heart went out to her and everyone who has grown old and been forgotten so to speak. 
My rants over for the evening.

Kimmi rockin' around the christmas tree

December 8, 2011
Our Christmas tree and lots of happy roommate times :) Today was my first cleaning check at my apartment. and also the company Christmas party, it was all fun and games.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

We got ourselves a Christmas tree

December 7, 2011
So this girl done gone and joined herself a gym! I am going to love working out and getting fit! and the possibilities are endless! I love when one of my roomies has to go to the grocery store or something we all pile into someones car and go with them. It's quite fun and just kinda carefree for the ten minutes we're out or whatever. I love it.

Marrriage is what bwings us togethaaa todayyy

December 6, 2011
I went to the Provo temple this evening for some much needed freezing and pondering and picture taking apparently.. haha I really think it's an odd shaped temple, but to each his own. 
I really haven't got that much to say, I wish I did. 

Ice melt? What ice?

December 5, 2011
Oh there's no place like working during the holidays. Also, there is no snow during these holidays. It is seriously making me all bah-humbug-y. Thank you Ebenezer Scrooge. You even had snow! 
Not a whole lot to report for today. Just a day, just an ordinary day.


December 4, 2011
This is our one Christmas ornament. Isn't it great? haha I woke up this morning with my cold going full force so I slept in a bit then showered and made it to church in time for sacrament meeting and went up to bear my testimony sounding much like a man, it's all well and good. Then after church me and my roommate, Haley went to Tyler&Lisa's for dinner and had a really great time. I love love love having them so close! and I'm sure I'll say that about a thousand more times before this blog is done. 
I love this season.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Welcome Christmas, come our way.

December 3, 2011
My plans for the day fell through so I ended up going to Logan and shopped with Uncle Bob and Aunt Jeanne all day. I have to say I've never spent a lot of time with them together. unless it was at family reunions or something, but it was really funny. I love them so much! I bought an ornament for our christmas tree in my apartment. Then I stopped in West Jordan on the way home and picked up a tree and a few other things from my wonderful grandparents. Their couch was so so comfy, I didn't want to leave to head home.

Sick days.

December 2, 2011
Today was pretty good. All things considered. I called in sick this morning because I couldn't find the strength to move without coughing up a storm, dang lungs anyway. so I slowly made my way out to the living room and spent most of the morning watching bones and making flowers. 
Me and my roommates went to the relief society closing social and made cookies and did nice things for our visit teachees. The house we were at felt just like home and it was so bright and happy. and I embellish not, there was disney christmas decorations on nearly every surface. I'll post a few pictures to facebook of the ones I got, but oh my goodness it was fantastic!

oh yes, it's December.

December 1, 2011
Welcome December! 
And I am so sick and tired, literally. not figuratively. I've just had a killer cold and I had the bright idea to go jogging yesterday, but sadly, it was a killer. Anyway I just worked and had training and more training. It's been an adventure so far. It'll get better as time goes on. I'm optimistic about it. 
I hope haha 
After work I came home and spent quality time resting until we went to la casa where a bunch of girls in our ward live and just ate dinner and talked about Christmas movies and songs and such. It was a grand time. and we went home and were all in bed before ten which is absolutely crazy for our apartment.

Julia Cannon: Madness On The Wall

I know this isn't what my blog is usually about, but this is my best friend, Julia Cannon who is also a struggling musician, she can make it happen if you watch this video and also share it with everyone you know! Thank you for taking just a few minutes of your time.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Optimism is what keeps me going.

November 30, 2011
I can honestly say I'm impressed with what I've accomplished so far this year, I have taken a picture every day for the last 11 months. Even if I stopped today and never took another picture, I would be so proud of myself. Granted that's not going to happen and I'm going to finish out the year like I wanted to, but whoo!! 
This picture is of what I'm making for Christmas. Isn't it kind cool. I will have very stylish friends by the time this is all over, I've got to buy some headbands and such. I'm becoming quite the crafty lady, I even bought a glue gun! 
I experienced my first staff meeting today, holy cow the people I'm going to work with once I get out of training are hilarious, also two of them combined look and act just like Pat. It's eerie. It just makes me all that much more excited to get home and see him and everybody! 
I got to see Lisa and Simon this evening because I somehow ended up in Spanish fork while I was exploring. I love them so :) 
I'm so glad they are only 15 minutes away. 
And once again it's past midnight and I'm scrambling to finish things, no wonder mornings haven't been so kind to me lately, well I'm out. 
One more month of this picture a day deal. I hope it's a fantastic month!

Amazed at what you do for me every day.

November 29, 2011
Christmas spirit has started to grace our apartment by way of lights around the living room window : ) Good news! My roommate, Haley loves Christmas too! we're two peas in a pod : ) 
Luckily enough my boss called today and told me not to come in, I know I sound pathetic, but I still don't feel up to par and was sort of dreading going into work, and it was like a little present that I didn't actually have to go in today, I'll be right back in the thick of it tomorrow, but for now, I will rest and eat delicious soup.

I am a workin' girl.

November 28, 2011
Happy Christmas lights again! I know it's not even December yet, but I can't help it! this is my favorite time of year! I've taken about 2 thousand pictures with Christmas lights already.. haha It's an addiction. 
Happy first day of work for me! Then a bit of much needed grocery shopping so I don't starve. 

Christmas Joy is already here, even though snow is not.

November 27, 2011
My apartment building is right next to an apartment complex called the Elms and right smack dab in the middle of all the buildings they put up a beautiful Christmas tree. Makes me a bit happy inside everytime I see it. I was mostly a zombie today, I for suresies got a cold from the combination of everything this week. Becca came to wake me for church and I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. It made me woosy to stand up. So I didn't do much of that. 
I had my weekly date with Kristi&Brittany which as always was wonderful. I'm so happy to have them so close : ) We might live together next year, which I think would be absolutely fantastic!

Mama said there'd be days like this.

November 26, 2011
Again this boy is my picture of the day haha 
Me and Kristi packed up the car and headed back to Provo today. It was like a ghost town when we got home haha everybody won't get back till tomorrow night about. Anyway, we went to campus because both our internets were down and she had to finish some tests so I just distracted her in one of the buildings till she got done : ) Then I got to see Chris! His family was driving back from their Thanksgiving celebrations and decided to stop overnight in Provo so I got to see them for a couple hours. It baffles me that it's nearly December and there still isn't snow on the ground. We stood outside and talked for a good half hour and my nose got a bit chilly, that was it. I'm not sure how I feel about these Utah winters.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I am thankful for fake thanksgivings and laughing.

November 25, 2011
Happy Fake Thanksgiving! 
We spent all day cooking and laughing and just having a fantastic time. Then everybody got together and we played "just dance" for hours! Then made multiple "your mom" jokes and laughed till I cried while we watched the last harry potter movie. I love these people so much and I'm sad we've got to leave tomorrow. Me and Tyler did all the dishes and had a nice chat, I love that boy and all his individuality. 
I'm ready to head back to Provo tomorrow, but I'm not too keen on leaving. I wish I lived here sometimes.

Oh hey Montana!

November 24, 2011
So we didn't do much in the way of thanksgiving things this wonderful Thanksgiving day, but we sure had fun! 
We made bracelets with miss Brandy's friend Jayme and they turned out super cute! I really want to make more! Which is weird because I am the least crafty person in the whole world. But I'm thinking that's what I'll do for my roomies for Christmas. And maybe for Brittany and Kristi too :) 
Anyway after that whole shindig was coming to a close me and Kristi headed out for Montana because it was only about an hour and a half from the Fishbacks house and neither of us had ever been there before. 
We went about 95 mph the entire way there and back because there really was no one on the road. It was fun! It was plenty of fun to be had by all, then Jeff got back and everything was fun and dandy. Then we went black thursday night shopping! technically black friday, but not technically friday by the time we were done, so I maintain that it was black thursday night.
I got a whole bunch of new movies then me and the girls were hungry only everything was closed in Rexburg so we drove to Idaho falls laughing hysterically the entire way. And went to Denny's and ate all kinds of deliciousness and laughed a whole bunch more. All in all it was a fantastic day!

Fun things happen all the time.

November 23, 2011
Sometimes all us silly girls get together and do make-up! 
We got to housesit for Kelly and Stewart for the night which means we just had a giant mound of blankets and candy which was super duper fun! 
We spent most of the day shopping which, no lie, I really hate shopping. But everybody else was having a good time so we just went with it.

Good friends don't change.

November 22, 2011
We made it to Rexburg just fine! I really love those girls and being back together with Micah and Linnea was fun for everybody. 
We had a giant game of just dance at the fishbacks home and fell asleep watching a movie with Tyler. I got my hairs cut today too! You can't really tell from this picture, but I'll get right on it. This is going to be a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Micah leaves in the morning to go home to Alaska to see her David!!! And we're all so super duper excited for her! 
I love all these people so so so much and I'm happy to be back with them all even for just this short little time. Miss Brandy has been so much fun to hang out with, she's so sweet and wonderful!

Monday, November 28, 2011

It's the holiday season, whoop-de-do

November 21, 2011
I had a second job interview today and I think I may actually get the job. me and my roomies also went on a late night candy run because we were just in the mood. And I introduced them to circus peanuts which happen to be one of my favorite things these days. 
Tomorrow we leave for Rexburbia!!

Funny best friend fights. Water was involved.

November 20, 2011
Oh church and Tithing settlement and everybody just being in happy moods. I really love my ward, they are all such good happy people. Even though I know barely anyone, everyone I do know has just been overflowing with sweetness. Sorry about the picture. It's not the best.

Beauty comes from within

November 19, 2011
I took these lovely ladies up in Provo canyon this afternoon and took bunches of photos of them just being adorable. They've got this master plan of things to send to Benjamin on his mission, and silly pictures of them are a vital part of that. Which is where I come in!
me and all my roommates went out to dinner at Red Robin and got all dressed up as part of my birthday celebration. I really love it here!

Silver bells

November 18, 2011
Happy Birthday to me! It was a grand day. I went out to dinner with Brittany and Kristi then went to a Christmas lights celebration at the riverwoods with my roomies. It was all so beautiful and there were so many people out just enjoying the holiday atmosphere. it even started to snow just a pinch as we were heading back to the apartment. I love snow. I wish there was some here. 
Happy birthday to me, I'm 19 years old.

To be in love

November 17, 2011
So It's the day before my birthday and I spent it at the movies with my best friends. Watching the twilight movies, all 4 of them. It was insane and quite silly, but fun nonetheless. 
Funny thing, I've been telling my roommates stories about all my guy friends from home and I start them with "so my best guy friend.." only that could mean Cw, Pat, Coulson, Chris, Tyler, Calvin. Cache, Todd or Tallon. Or anyone else I may have forgotten. haha I just thought it was funny how looking back, I really didn't have all that many girlfriends throughout it all. Not one that I got along with all the time anyway. I'm glad to have such best friends these days. I'm so very excited for January!

I love this song

November 16, 2011
Shopping and fun times with Brittany! As you can see :)

Kings to you.

November 15, 2011
Easily amused. Oh well.


November 14, 2011
I went to visit my lovely cousin Lisa again and her sweet sweet boy and her nice husband. I wanted to print out some more resumes and get this job situation figured out only I don't have a printer, and they do so I got a few copies then went to the library with Lisa and Simon and did a few errands before heading back to Provo. 
I love that they are so close!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rainy days turned to sunny afternoons :)

November 13, 2011
Today was beautiful in every way shape and form. I cried a good portion of the way through church, not the bad kind. The "Oh my gosh this is so beautiful and I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be here" I had an appointment with my bishop which went surprisingly well and I was yet again convinced that some men are just called of God to be in the right place at the right time. Today, I am very grateful for my bishop. He is a truly good man. 
I went out to Brittany&Kristi's to watch once upon a time and have a lovely dinner. And now I've been watching criminal minds with my roomies : ) I love them so much, we're going to get all dolled up and go out to dinner for my birthday, next weekend will be fantastic! 

She's got Betty Davis eyes...

November 12, 2011
I spent the day with these lovelies :) 
I woke up after Brittany left for her dance competition and got in her bed and woke up a couple hours later to Brittany shaking me and saying breakfast was ready. So we watched Burlesque again and I went back to my car and remembered the stupid thing I forgot to check last night and fixed it and drove off. I went back to my apartment and took a shower, then decided to go take pictures and asked Kristi to help me with some, but when I got back to their place we just sat around and did stuff then went to rent movies and get food. 
We watched "when a stranger calls" then promptly turned on "the proposal" and were nearly instantly happier. Then headed back to my apartment and facetimed with miss Micah Dahl ;) then the girls fell asleep and I talked to Chris for awhile till I was mostly asleep.

Unfortunate cars and a fife.

November 11, 2011
Happy 11/11/11!! 
Only it wasn't quite so happy. I made good wishes. Only I was silly and made a stupid mistake and my car wouldn't work so Weston and his buddy, Kyle tried to fix it so after me and Kristi went shopping and out to dinner we went back to my car and nothing happened when I turned the key so I stressed out. Then Weston came and we tried a couple different things then he took me and Kristi back to Kristi's and I was stranded so I spent the night there. Which was super fun and crazy like how it always is with those two : ) 
I had a whole ton of ice cream because I was sort of having a crummy day. then we watched Burlesque and I fell asleep chatting with Kristi. 
I love those girls : )

B&W :D

November 10, 2011
I am the worlds biggest bum this week. And because I've been lazy I am writing this days after so I don't actually remember a whole bunch of details from this day. I made my first meal with all my new cooking things in my apartment and did the dishes and just kinda tidied up a bit and tried to continue emptying my boxes I've still got kicking around. 
I love it here.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Peppermints, cider, gloves, winter is coming

November 9, 2011
I love sugar free peppermints. A lot. 
I had a wonderful day of a job interview at a real estate place and dinner with my lovely cousin, her splendid hubby and their adorable son : ) I also watched Bones with Kristi some more, seems that we'll make a habit out of it, I never feel any pressure to make conversation when I'm around her, and we just sort of, Be. and it works. I like her. I am fortunate to have her and Brittany just down the street. 
Tyler, (cousin Lisa's hubby) offered to let me use his studio at school because he's a photography teacher, and oh my goodness that would be so cool! haha I don't know the first thing I would do, but wow. I think I'll have to take him up on that. 

not how I wanted it... but still

November 8, 2011
I am the worlds biggest bum, I went out to lunch with Brittany&Kristi today then Kristi skipped class and we had a jolly good time watching Bones for a few hours and I went to Target to find myself a mug so I'm all set for hot cocoa and cider season, which I think is what I'll call winter instead of just winter hehehe 
Also I like to walk through campus at a super slow pace so it ticks all the bustling college students off. I don't get in the way, it just seems to infuriate some of them that someone can afford to meander. and I am a big meander-er : )

I love this picture.

November 7, 2011
Today was a good day :) 
I did some grocery shopping, went for a walk on campus, took a drive and walk in the canyon and helped out with a food drive : ) I like living here. 
I am so conflicted. not about anything Provo related, well eventually it could be provo related, but for now it's definitely not. I'm just nervous to get my hopes up about things that very well may never happen. I just am unsure of how to approach certain aspects of my life. I know none of that makes sense, but ehh my brain is just on hyperdrive today. 
The things we go through in our lives blow my mind.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Creeeeper status

November 6, 2011
Sometimes I go for walks to campus because it is 3 minutes walk away from my front door : ) And take super creeper pictures with girls who have no clue... oh well. 
I love my ward so so so much! They are all so sweet and this adorable girl who looks just like Emma from Glee came to see me after church and asked me all about Alaska and stuff. From what I hear a few people are really looking forward to asking me about Alaska. 
We have Relief society and Sunday school in one building then walk to the next building for Sacrament meeting. It's kinda nice. I like how chilly it is outside. It snowed this morning for the first time, just a bit and was gone by the time we left church at noon, but still, it's the start of something.
We had a break the fast at our building this afternoon and it was a lot of fun, there is this really cute boy who wore a huge bowtie that was great! 
I went to Brittany&Kristi's to watch the fireside and Once upon a time then they came to see my lovely new apartment then we wandered around looking for some boys apartment that they know then I took them home. and right now I'm watching Criminal Minds with all my lovely roomies. 
I could so get used to this.. I think I will : )  

The Autumn leaves

November 5, 2011
It's my cousin Annies birthday today all the way over in London, England. And it snowed last night a good 3 or 4 inches. And IT'S MOVING DAY!!!!!!! I got to meet my roomies and move all in and see my friends and all that jazz. Some days are just wonderful! Turns out my roommate Haley is like the sweetest girl I've ever met and answered my endless supply of questions all afternoon. And the girls who share the other room in the apartment are named Becca and Kim. They are so great too. And turns out we all have a silly obsession with the tv show criminal minds. 
I love it here already, I just wish I had a permanent parking spot... haha I'll just have to hope my luck keeps up and I'll find good spots in the crazy amount of non parking spaces around here. 
I love love love love snow and about 3 different radio stations are only playing christmas music : )

Penny's and temples and moving

November 4, 2011
I love this temple. And I bought this lovely smooshed penny for my adorable little brother who collects smoooshed penny's from all over the place. Today was a good day, I packed and packed and packed some more. I didn't realize how much junk I had until I had to pack it all in my little car. I'm so excited for tomorrow!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Slipper weather : )

November 3, 2011
I am going to say I spent all day packing, but that's a fat lie. Sure I started to pack, got a few things organized, but mostly I laid around enjoying the fact that I had to wear a sweater outside and my toes were chilly enough to warrant wearing my lovely slippers and fuzzy socks. I must be crazy. 
The way I see it, God gives us each of these seasons for a reason and going crazy and complaining about each season doesn't change the fact that the current season you're in is going to stay around awhile. In Utah's case, till it's good and ready to go away. I love the seasons, I was well prepared by the time autumn finally kicked in around here, but I do love summer as well. Being an Alaskan girl, it was just an adjustment. 
I'm moving on Saturday (:
Snow should be around any day!

I did something I pinned on pinterest!

November 2, 2011
I know it's only Wednesday, but my nails have been a different color every day this week. I'm going to change them again tomorrow too.. haha I used to hate doing my nails. 
Anyway, my lovely cousin Rebecca went to Provo with me to sign the papers and I got the key and everything, I just have to pack up all my things from Grandma's and I'll be all set to move in : ) 
We went out to dinner at Chili's afterwards, sort of to celebrate. I feel like it's a silly thing to celebrate because technically I moved out months and months ago, but this is my first place and I feel like that warrants some kind of celebration. I can't wait to meet my roommates and start living there. New ward, new friends, new parking spot.. haha 
Cheers to life's adventures!