Monday, June 27, 2011

More crying, but maybe a visitor?

June 24, 2011
Packing, Packing and more packing. I'm so excited to go and live with my grandparents and do something different for awhile. It's going to be so liberating and exciting. Life will be lovely and I'll be doing something truly different for the first time.

Cry. Pack. Repeat.

June 23, 2011
Gone to see Pirates 4 with Joe, Amy Ho, Hulia and RachelClark. Then I met up with Christina afterwards and spent the best hour ever just talking to her while we were swinging. I love that girl and all her marriedness haha she's so realistic about life and love and needs. It's refreshing. I'm going to miss her so much. I'm going to miss everyone so much. I didn't realize how many people around here still loved me when I made this decision.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Something has to brighten this day.

June 22, 2011
Jen helped me with my resume and I got my final paycheck from Lucas Chiropractic. Then I went over to Joe's. By the way, I'm not coming back when I leave on vacation in a few days. I'm moving moving. crazy talk.

Enchanted with this stove

June 21, 2011
Spent the day at Joe's families cabin canoeing about the lake and enjoying all the quiet enjoyment that comes with a cabin. Some things are just fun. I fell asleep on the drive home and woke up in my driveway. haha good stuff.

SO much confliction!!

June 20, 2011
8 days till I leave. Once more to Hatchers pass and we'll see how it all works out. Day spent just preparing to pack and getting things under way.

Happy Fathers Day

June 19, 2011
Probably the thing I'm going to miss the most about Alaska is this adorable fluffy little dog. She never ceases to make me grin whilst just chillin'. 
Today I went to the singles ward with  Andrea and Joe. Holy strange church, batman. haha I don't think I'll be going back to this one.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Last and first and stuff

June 18, 2011
Happy 3 months to me and Joe. Happy last day of camp. Happy Kung Fu panda 2 in 3D. Happy date to me and hunter haha it was just a great day. Also I passed out on the laundry room floor while trying to put away my things from camp.

Blowing the right bubbles

June 17, 2011
We play bumper boats and blow bubbles on our one truly sunny day at camp. There will be many sun burns this evening. I love spending time with these girls and hunter. Joe and Tallon came out to camp for family night, it was a ton of fun and most of the girls were gone by evening so we all fit into 4 cabins. Grand times to be had at the close of elks camp.

Hula Hooping with a 10 lb hose

June 16, 20110
Some days you just have to escape to cabin 11 :) Grand day with lots of shenanigans and whining children. I've never heard so many stupid questions in my life!?!!

Watermelon eating contest

June 15, 2011
This girl was by far my favorite in my little cabin of 6. We were all so freezing because it started pouring down rain as soon as we gathered around the campfire, but we had to eat the watermelon so we were all shaking and eating. and this darling girl just looked so stinkin' cute that I had to take her photograph.

June 14, 2011
Oh camp is so entertaining some days. Leah Lund made my day by giving me a lovely backrub. Also we filled a trash can of water balloons to prep for the big one on thursday afternoon. Life is so fun!

Lake fun

June 13, 2011
Time for some good old fashioned lake fun times. Official first day of camp and tons of fun! You can't beat good times with old friends. Hunters here! and we're all having a grand time and this lovely girl in the photo is one of my campers. It's going to be fun!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer mornings

June 12, 2011
While starting out our week of camp with a walk to Pandora I snapped this photograph of a fellow counselor waiting in the grass. There's just something about being outside and in love that makes everything look beautiful.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Meet Nicole :) I love Joe

June 11, 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to my new camera, Nicole. She and I are going to have some fun :) I spent the whole day garage sailing with Joe and Bob then fell asleep on Joes couch and watched Kung Fu panda for the first time in my life which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, quite the opposite actually. It was a fantastic day and I go off to camp tomorrow so this'll be my last post for a week I believe. Not like I've been keeping it up to date anyway.

Last days

June 10, 2011
Amy Jo and I went adventuring. Also today was my last day of work. Whew, it's been so crazy and now it's over. I had so much fun hanging out and catching up with Amy :) There are some people that will come back into your life just when you need them, I was aching for a few girlfriends and she spoke right up. I went out to lunch with CW and had such a blast. I really enjoy good friends.

Two days will Joe

June 9, 2011
ALSO some days I forget to take a picture. Like today, It was after eleven and I was playing with my slinky haha and this is what happened.

Movies with mom

June 8, 2011
Poor unfortunate Jeep at my partner in crimes home. I like it for the picture effect though :) Fun times in this jeep, and many memories as well. Judging by the tattered seats and worn door handles, it's been well loved.
I went to see the new Xmen movie with my mom tonight :) I love her!!

Snail Mail and the Postmaster General

June 7, 2011
I miss snail mail. I have been corresponding with a Missionary overseas and it is very literally snail mail, two months to receive a letter is far too long. 
I can't wait for Friday!!

Baby hungry?

June 6, 2011
Sometimes days are just too wonderful to only select one photograph that defines it. What started out as the first day of my last week of work quickly turned into one of the most splendid days simply due to a halfway surprise visit a few of our friends made. My sister was to get her hair cut and the lady who does it came out from Anchorage for the day and her, her husband and their two adorable boys spent a few hours at our home this evening while we laughed and played and had a barbecue. It was splendid! I got to hold baby Dawson for over an hour because as soon as I got him he fell right to sleep in my arms. It was so great :) Also the sun was shining and you could truly see the beauty of Alaska and all our hard work throughout the yard. It's been fun.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Start of something new

June 5, 2011
And today the boys Elks camp week starts taking with it Joe, Bob, Adam, Coulson and Tyler Fishback. Pretty much all my favorite guys. It's going to be one long week of work, but it's my last week of work at Lucas Chiropractic ever!! :) Also I'm going to miss the boys a lot... I'm so ready for California.
June 4, 2011
This boy is in a lot of trouble today because for the first time in my life I watched the movie signs and it was sooo not funny. Joe's family thought it was hilarious and I was cowering in my blanket the entire time. AHH! haha I can handle horror movies with blood and guts, but give me a movie with peeping toms and things that go bump in the night and I'm a freaking little girl. it's silly, really. Oh well.
June 3, 2011
And sometimes your boyfriend makes you hike the butte. Which contrary to your original thoughts turns out to be more fun than originally speculated. Then you cruise through to places you'll probably never venture to again and have conversations that entirely all too adult for whatever happens to you. Also I'm head over heels in love.
June 2, 2011
One month from today my best friend turns 18. Also I said goodbye to her today and for the first time since we've known each other we have no concept of when we'll meet again. Strange times have come upon us. These petals are laying on the ground fallen not too far from their home and who knows where the wind will blow them. I said bye to Cache today too because he's heading out to work for a couple months. Joe, me and Haley are really going to miss him.

What dreams are made of

June 1, 2011
Not much is special about today. Slept in a bit then went to work and took 8 zillion pictures. I went home instead of going to activity and got some much needed rest and relaxation.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Penny for your thoughts

May 31, 2011
Last day of May, first official full time day for the next two weeks till I quit my job and move on the something new. I can't deny that I'm excited although it will be dreadful to leave the comforts of home and all that I have spent my life building up. I gladly say that I know this place like the back of my hand. One road leads to a terrifying cabin, another to trains that sit for no reason whatsoever, yet another to farms no one knew existed. There is something to be said for living in one place your whole life. Being able to plant trees and flowers like the one in my picture which resides just beyond my front porch. I love it here.

Welcome to Alaska ST

May 30, 2011
Some day all you need is to go rafting with your family. The long car ride, Andrea falling in and Joe buying more candy bars than one person should be able to handle we had quite a successful trip. Its always fun. The sun was shining and we weren't attacked by bears and made it back in time to have a leisurely dinner at the valley hotel. Some days are perfection.

Meeting the parents X 100

May 29, 2011
Turns out this really is a small world and Joe's grandparents live 3 houses down from my aunt.. and have for about 15 years. This was discovered today when I went to meet them at a family dinner and lost very horribly at pool to Camilla and Amanda.. Oh well, there could be worse things to be bad at. In my defense that's the first time I've picked up a pool cue in years. I've got to work on that.

Making beauty out of nothing

May 28, 2011
On days like these it's all you can do to just go enjoy a quiet secluded picnic with the man of your dreams. We discovered this little haven on our adventures around Eklutna lake. Definitely worth the drive, It's got such potential for fun and serenity. I love it there.

Sometimes Adam goes to jail

May 27, 2011
I may not have accomplished much in the way of cleaning my room or car, but we sure accomplished a lot in our haven of a dirt patch commonly referred to as a garden. It's coming along so splendidly, more detailed pictures to come. I'd just like it to be known that I love this photography project, my only wonder is how will I ever stop taking pictures after this?

Welcome to Alaska

May 26, 2011
Sometimes you just have to run away with people that make you smile and enjoy the nonsense that is life. I want to thank Mr. Tyler Fishback and miss Julia Cannon for a splendid evening on the beaches in the wilds of Alaska. This place inspires me. When I'm all grown up, I want to live here and watch the tide surge with each coming day. I want to take long walks in the mud and explore every cavern of the barges and coves with beached boats waiting to be explored. Someday.


May 19, 2011
This particular post may be out of order, but that is mostly attributed to how many stinkin' pictures I had to choose from on this one day. Whoo hoo I graduated! Becca kept me, Kelsey and Yolanda laughing basically the entire forever that we had to wait for the ceremony to get started. Oh my goodness that was madness. And all the silly girls who decided to wear heels were complaining before it even began. Many of them shed their shoes long before the walk started. It was fun. I didn't cry, but then again I didn't really think I would. I am glad to be rid of that place and maybe at one time I could have mustered up some happy feeling towards it that left me with remorse and sadness at the parting, but not now. I'm done and ready to move on to bigger and better things. High school is just the beginning and now that it's over I feel like I have so much more to offer humanity. Never again will I take an unnecessary class or do something simply because administrators of friends said it's what I should do. Peace out high school, I wouldn't come back to you for all the tea in china.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May 25, 2011
Along with the beautiful sunshine we also had a splendid last day of school barbecue for all those young women who aren't seniors haha It was quite fun and I had a nice little chat with all our leaders about things. I love them so much and I'll be sad to be done, but I'm ready to be done.
May 24, 2011
Me and Joe went out and found a trail behind an elementary school that led out to a boardwalk kinda thing over a lake. It was a ton of fun and also very pretty.

Last Hurrah

May 23, 2011
After what I'm sure is our last time all together we took this picture and I'm sure I'll treasure it always. Yolanda leaves in a few days and Kelsey leaves next week so I guess I'm the only one sticking around for the summer. I'll miss them dearly, but it's time to move on. To my best friends, Thanks for helping me make it out of high school in generally one piece and also making sure I had plenty of laughs along the way.

Seminary Graduation

May 22, 2011
Today was seminary graduation and it wasn't all that wonderful. Although it was kinda fun because I got to be with Joe and graduate from seminary. Me and Kaylee took a photo together and it reminded me of how many years of friendship we've had.

Graduation Party

May 21, 2011
Sorry Coulson, but I love this photo. Today was my graduation party and most of my favorite people came while the boys played with airsoft guns. It was quite successful and I think everybody had a fun time.

Grad blast

May 20, 2011
Grad blast happens. You win prizes like body pillows and spend time with people for the last time ever. Everyone is nice to each other and smile a lot because of the event that just occurred and everyone is mostly high on sugar. It's splendid.
May 18, 2011
The prettiest flowers spring up in the most unlikely places.
May 17, 2011
Colony's graduation. Coulson, Cache and Andria graduated and walked across the stage. Garrett Pace spoke and he did really well. It was a lot of fun then at the end the entire class stood up and danced to this really fun and energetic song with glowsticks. It was wonderful.
May 16, 2011
I like to spend my days laughing at my sister... mostly she laughs at us. A lot. The sound of laughter is not alien to my home.

I'm ready to be done

May 15, 2011
Sometimes your lifelong friend gets their eagle scout award. Never been more proud of you Cachie Boy :)