Monday, December 19, 2011

Closer, so much closer than I thought

December 18, 2011
Oh what a glorious day! me and Haley being the only ones left in our apartment got up and walked to church this morning in the crazy morning chill, frost everywhere! It was about 15 degrees, I'm okay with being cold in that kind of temperature. We went to church which was our stake today because most of the people have left already. and we just had sacrament meeting then headed home. Me and Haley sat around and took naps. We watched a movie or two and I made more Christmas presents. Then I went to Jon's apartment where they were having a perishable food party for everybody who needed to use their perishable food before leaving for the break. It was quite a genius idea. And lots of fun. Then I headed back to my apartment where Haley was fast asleep on the couch and we spent the rest of the day being bums and watching tv. I like having her as my roomie. And I'm glad she's still here. It would really be an awful few days if I was doing it all alone. As it works out, she's here till Wednesday and I leave on Thursday, so it's not so bad.

Most awkward wedding dance ever....

December 17, 2011
Oh my holy wedding day, Batman! I know of at least 3 weddings that took place today. And I got to see the Wright family!! As you can see from the photo. haha 
It was such fun to catch up with them. I told Kerry that I wasn't going to go to college and I don't think he could wrap his brain around that one. It was kinda funny. 
I'll be home soon!!!!

SLC baby

December 16, 2011
Oh dear, I love this boy! 
I woke up this morning and headed into Salt Lake to see him and his choir perform. He did so good! He had a solo that didn't sound at all like the voice I remembered him having haha It was really great. 
We spent the afternoon walking around temple square talking pictures and going to lunch with his choirmates. It was a grand day. I left in time to make it home, grab a few things then head to Tyler&Lisa's to babysit for Simonboy :) 
It was an all around fantastic day : )


December 15, 2011
Pulling an all nighter! Me and Kristi left to head to the airport for her flight to Ohio tonight and spent some time working on Christmas presents at my grandparents then to the new Sherlock Holmes at midnight. Oh it was all good fun! She fell asleep about halfway through and Whiskey boy was going a little crazy next to us. It was an adventure to be sure. I got her to the airport safely then headed back to my grandparents and promptly fell asleep. Good times!

One tree hill, sabrina's apartment style

December 14, 2011
Oh my goodness I love these girls. They crack me up on a regular basis. And this photo pretty much describes their relationship. They came over and we watched one tree hill and ate junk food and just laughed with each other while I worked on Christmas presents. They are good friends.

Snow is a joke here.

December 13, 2011
Oh today was a good day, I love having a gym membership! 
I went to the gym, worked on Christmas presents, did some grocery shopping then went to see Hugo with some friends from my ward. 
The picture today is of my friend, Dallas' car because we were walking back to my apartment and he'd parked right next to it, but turns out the poor guy got a boot. Unfortunately. So we stood outside talking as the snow fell for about 45 minutes waiting for the guy to come and take the boot off his car. It was kinda fun. 
One of the girls I went to the movies with was being really silly and as we were sitting around waiting for everybody to buy their tickets she said "you go, me go, we go, Hugo!" It made me laugh.

I love Provo.

December 12, 2011
This is a cheeseball. literally. and it was so delicious! me and my roommates had a Christmas goodies eating night. Kimmi made this, I made onion dip, then we both made bazookie (cookie dough and ice cream, delicious!) and we all sat around eating it and watching a cheesy Christmas movie that was on TV. It was such fun! These girls are great! 
Sad story, I don't work at the Red X anymore. 
I went over to Brittany&Kristi's after we had the christmas goodie party and watched one tree hill with them till I was about to fall asleep. 

The girl with the red woolen scarf

December 11, 2011
This is my room roommate Haley. Isn't she cute? we got the opportunity to go out today and take pictures for her family Christmas card. It was quite fun. And I had a great talk with another photographer who hopefully I can learn a thing or two from. 
Ps. I love my ward.

Oh temple Square, I adore you.

December 10, 2011
I have finally seen Temple Square in the wintertime with all the beautiful lights, it was such fun! I went to Simon boy's birthday party for awhile and had fun with the family then headed north to pick up Brittany and get to Salt Lake in time to meet up with her family that decided to drive down from Rexburg for the evening. It was so fun to see them and as luck would have it, we ran into teah & Kia Mercado, Josea Renk and Leilani Hayward and various boyfriends. Oh it was such fun! like a reunion that will probably never take place again. They are so sweet. haha There was so much hugging happening and it made me so happy, I feel like I'm not hugged enough, I'm a big hugger haha 
There was laughter and happiness to be heard by all from every corner of temple square. 
After everybody left to head back to their various towns me and Brittany roamed around for about another hour and had a grand time taking silly pictures and all that jazz. 
Every time I go to temple square I am astounded by the beauty and the peacefulness that even in swarms of hundreds of people can be felt from all who enter there with the right frame of mind. 
The ride back was the longest of my life because by that point me and Brit were so tired haha it was entertaining to be sure.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas cookies once more

December 9, 2011
Today we sang carols, made cookies and sat on Santa's lap. It was all grand and good fun! We all met in my apartments lobby and split into groups and headed to different old folks homes. The group I went with was so fun and the people we sang to were so sweet! I had the chance to talk to a lady named Joyce who is confined to a wheelchair these days, she told me about her family and how she's staying in the home over the holidays because no one has a ramp for her to get into their homes. I hope that some day I'll have plenty of kids, grandkids and maybe even great grandkids to take me and my (someday) loving husband to their homes for the holidays. My heart went out to her and everyone who has grown old and been forgotten so to speak. 
My rants over for the evening.

Kimmi rockin' around the christmas tree

December 8, 2011
Our Christmas tree and lots of happy roommate times :) Today was my first cleaning check at my apartment. and also the company Christmas party, it was all fun and games.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

We got ourselves a Christmas tree

December 7, 2011
So this girl done gone and joined herself a gym! I am going to love working out and getting fit! and the possibilities are endless! I love when one of my roomies has to go to the grocery store or something we all pile into someones car and go with them. It's quite fun and just kinda carefree for the ten minutes we're out or whatever. I love it.

Marrriage is what bwings us togethaaa todayyy

December 6, 2011
I went to the Provo temple this evening for some much needed freezing and pondering and picture taking apparently.. haha I really think it's an odd shaped temple, but to each his own. 
I really haven't got that much to say, I wish I did. 

Ice melt? What ice?

December 5, 2011
Oh there's no place like working during the holidays. Also, there is no snow during these holidays. It is seriously making me all bah-humbug-y. Thank you Ebenezer Scrooge. You even had snow! 
Not a whole lot to report for today. Just a day, just an ordinary day.


December 4, 2011
This is our one Christmas ornament. Isn't it great? haha I woke up this morning with my cold going full force so I slept in a bit then showered and made it to church in time for sacrament meeting and went up to bear my testimony sounding much like a man, it's all well and good. Then after church me and my roommate, Haley went to Tyler&Lisa's for dinner and had a really great time. I love love love having them so close! and I'm sure I'll say that about a thousand more times before this blog is done. 
I love this season.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Welcome Christmas, come our way.

December 3, 2011
My plans for the day fell through so I ended up going to Logan and shopped with Uncle Bob and Aunt Jeanne all day. I have to say I've never spent a lot of time with them together. unless it was at family reunions or something, but it was really funny. I love them so much! I bought an ornament for our christmas tree in my apartment. Then I stopped in West Jordan on the way home and picked up a tree and a few other things from my wonderful grandparents. Their couch was so so comfy, I didn't want to leave to head home.

Sick days.

December 2, 2011
Today was pretty good. All things considered. I called in sick this morning because I couldn't find the strength to move without coughing up a storm, dang lungs anyway. so I slowly made my way out to the living room and spent most of the morning watching bones and making flowers. 
Me and my roommates went to the relief society closing social and made cookies and did nice things for our visit teachees. The house we were at felt just like home and it was so bright and happy. and I embellish not, there was disney christmas decorations on nearly every surface. I'll post a few pictures to facebook of the ones I got, but oh my goodness it was fantastic!

oh yes, it's December.

December 1, 2011
Welcome December! 
And I am so sick and tired, literally. not figuratively. I've just had a killer cold and I had the bright idea to go jogging yesterday, but sadly, it was a killer. Anyway I just worked and had training and more training. It's been an adventure so far. It'll get better as time goes on. I'm optimistic about it. 
I hope haha 
After work I came home and spent quality time resting until we went to la casa where a bunch of girls in our ward live and just ate dinner and talked about Christmas movies and songs and such. It was a grand time. and we went home and were all in bed before ten which is absolutely crazy for our apartment.

Julia Cannon: Madness On The Wall

I know this isn't what my blog is usually about, but this is my best friend, Julia Cannon who is also a struggling musician, she can make it happen if you watch this video and also share it with everyone you know! Thank you for taking just a few minutes of your time.