Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy weekend and way too much detail.

October 29, 2011
We got our nails done today, can you tell? haha I love these girls so so so much. It was fun times to be had by all in the Paul Mitchell school even if everything didn't turn out as well as we would have hoped, then we got pizza and got ridiculously lost out in the wilderness... haha and everybody was a bit cranky by that point from lack of sleep so there was a lot of yelling. It was sort of funny in a "I just want to take a nap right here  in this sand" kind of way. So we went back to Linnea's apartment and within minutes everyone was zonked out so I went to visit my lovely cousin Michelle and her adorable little boy Ray. He was showing off for me and it just reminded me about how much I want one of my own someday. Anyway then I contacted an old friend named Marquee Lucas who I hadn't seen in years and years and she came to see me because she lives in Rexburg. We had a nice chat and got all updated, well as much as you can in a half hour then she left and I watched NCIS with Linnea's roomies till everyone woke up. We went to dinner at Brittany's families house and ended up deciding to stay the night and have a big ole slumber party. It was so fun to be in a home where there is laughter and messes and little kids running everywhere. I missed that. We left to go meet Jordan and his roomies because Linnea wanted everybody to meet everybody else so we stayed there laughing for a solid 2 hours. My cheeks hurt so badly and I had tears of laughter streaming down my face by the time we were done. Also, if Linnea or Jordan ever read this, I want you two to get married. Mostly because I think Jordan is the only guy I've ever met who I would deem worthy to marry my sister and just the way you interact with each other is adorable and very fun. Also because you would make super cute charmin babies... long story. 
We headed back to Brittany's when curfew finally kicked in and fell asleep watching Tron. Their couch is super duper comfy. 
Life is grand today.

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