Wednesday, December 29, 2010

And sometimes, you just realize you fell for your ex again..

Dang it.. well the title of this post is pretty self explanatory. There is always that one you parted with on really great terms and you stay friends and off and on a little more. He's the one you can always hang out with even if you've gotten in a nasty fight the day before. He's the one that will always be at your side in a moment even when all hope is lost. He's the one you don't have to be IN love with to love. He's the one who knows all the inside jokes and all your friends inside and out. He's the one who has his own nicknames for and from all of your friends. He's the one who never leaves when the day seems pointless, he helps you find something to do. He's the one who wants to stay in a class with you enough that even though he's failing, he'd rather spend the time with you. He's the one you always thought you'd end up with when all is said and done. He's the one you want to take you to your senior prom and have multiple awkward porch scenes with. He's the one who can make your dreams come true. He's the one you wish for every time a lash falls or the clock strikes 11:11. He's the one that makes you want to be the best you possibly can just to win a smile. He's the one that has no idea you feel all this about him. He's the one that all your friends say can make you happiest. He's the one that after an entire day together, you can't stop smiling.
He's the one you dream about.
He's the one.

I've noticed as I write to whoever reads this, I find out little things about myself. Through the writing I do here, I become myself. I want to keep writing always to show the world this is the person I have become and will always be. I'm not just the girl who spends her days at a chiropractic clinic and nights spending time with those I hold dear and dreaming of the one that will come someday. I'm much more than that. The stereotype of a little mormon girl will always be what people originally think of me, and sometimes they will be right. I want certain things, and don't want certain others, but that doesn't make me good or evil, that makes me human. I am Mormon, and dang proud of it, but I'm still human. I can make whatever choices I want, my faith does not bind me. I will make choices that will make things best for me in the end. That just usually happens to be the way that I've been brought up. I hear people say all the time that if the church wasn't true it would have disappeared long ago. I believe that. Now I've strayed completely away from the subject again, I hope noone actually takes the time to read all my crazy mixted up thoughts. Sometimes these things just happen.

World, it's been a  good day, sleep sweet.

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