Sunday, December 26, 2010

Another Day, Another Time

In this world, there is very little that is precious and sacred anymore and there are always those people seeking after your few precious things to cheapen them and make them open to the public. I don't know who reads this, but please remember that life is precious and those of us who are fortunate enough to have family and friends ought to remember that from time to time.
Tonight I've got a story for everybody, I have been dating this guy for the past 3 weeks and I broke up with him today. I feel bad for the guy because he was a lot more invested into our relationship then I ever was, but It was never like that was a secret. Some people are just meant to be in relationships at certain points in their lives, and some people aren't. This is one of those points that I'm not. So I'm not going to alter everything just to make one person happy. Everything will be fine and he'll find someone significantly better than me, alls well that ends well I suppose. Now I better get some sleep because it's back to the grind monday morning tomorrow :/
Peace out world.

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