Saturday, January 15, 2011

Seminar Day

January 15, 2011

Alright so this tea was actually super disgusting, but it made for a great picture.. and I didn't even set it up that way. I've gotten so bad. We spent hours at this conference and my mind kept reverting back to my picture of the day and all the possibilities I had to make it amazing. The captain cook hotel it full of kodak moments. Don't get me wrong, I learned a lot in that class, it's just a long time to sit around in stiff chairs.
Ooh so sad news, Mo prom and School prom are on the same day.. Super sad about that one. I had fantastic plans brewing in my mind to go to mo prom with one of my new friends who is super fun, then go to school prom with all of my new and old friends, it is my senior year after all and I do believe it should be an amazing event. Even if the music sucks, the DJ needs a life and there is fornication going on at every turn of head, but if you are with good people, you can make any situation exactly what you want it to be. I have high hopes and I will not give up on Prom just yet.

I'm off to watch the Notebook, Scumbag, I might dream of you.

Goodnight, World.

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