Wednesday, March 30, 2011


March 29, 2011
Today was alright. I went to school and actually understood my math lesson.. and we have our chapter test on friday so I'm thinking I won't completely fail it now. I went through the day like normal and only fell asleep for a short moment. I had to go to work to make sure all the stuff got done and it was kinda nice to just do my work and not have to worry about anybody else. I went over to Joes for dinner and helped him and Cache with their make-up work for seminary. Then late at night my mom called :) I got to talk her ear off for about 15 minutes, it was lovely. I really miss her! I'm going crazy without her here. but she'll be home this Sunnday night late. Its going to be wonderful! :)

ReVeNgE is a strange word

March 28, 2011
Most of the photos I took today were really dark and brooding.. probably because it's monday and I had about 15 too many people piss me off. Whoops! This picture is of me in the stage bathroom contemplating revenge on Briggham for making me dress up like an idiot all day. But I got a fuzzy letter and shiny pin out of it and I never have to act again in my life if I don't want to. Joe made me a sammich today :)  I told him I was hungry so he made me one and brought it to me at work. I think I'll keep him around awhile. My mom and Andrea come home soon!!!


March 27, 2011
Today was a day at church much like any other. I love it. Dad came to spring me from class so I could go to the big kid class with him and also not have to deal with brother agee for the day.. poor guy, I know his hearts in the right place, but I just can't figure him out. And we had BYC after church that for the first time I was completely and utterly unprepared for... that hasn't happened in ever. haha We went over the Jensens for dinner which is always fun and I'm glad that we have them to be such wonderful friends. 
My picture today is the Jensens new cat who still hasn't got a name, poor thing, but is the softest little feline I've ever seen. dang it I'm becoming a fan of animals.. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

The stars fall

March 26, 2011
Today was the most amazing day. I woke up super early for a Saturday, but I had so much time to get ready for the day that ended up not starting quite as early as I had anticipated because Jen told me I didn't have to work! So I watched the Titanic instead. Oh man I love that movie. Then got ready for my date. Adam now calls them our daily dates.. haha guilty. Then I went to Joes and helped him run errands then we went to pick Jen and Nick up to take them to the airport. I love them haha Then we went to Joes friend, Davids piano recital (that's the picture btw, that's David!) which was super amazing and I got to record some of the pieces I really love. Then we got invited to head up to hatchers pass with Cache and Haley where we watched the sun set and the stars come out, it was quite amazing. And fairly romantic as well :) And I saw a shooting star!! :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gotta get down on Friday.

March 25, 2011

Oh thespian society inductions, you are quite spectacular after all. Here we have a hillbilly, Cw Twohy in his very finest and last but not least the very loathed Rebecca Black who was all too thrilled it was Friday, Friday, Friday. (ew.) All in all it was a splendid day and I got to drive up to hatchers pass with my honey after school. The view up there still astounds me no matter how many times I see it. God really knew what he was doing with this whole creating the world deal. haha I had the opportunity to take my brothers to Marty's eagle court of honor tonight, it was quite fantastic and he was so excited! Me and miss JoLee Fife sat next to each other and giggled through almost the whole ceremony, that girl cracks me up! Then I took the boys home so they could go to sleep and I could watch Titanic. I love that movie. When my dad got home around 11 he just sat there and talked because he was so excited with his productive day, it was really cute how thrilled he was. 

I have no recollection of this

March 24, 2011

Today was just your average, go to school and work the afternoon away kind of day. I went to all my classes and stayed at work till late. It was exhausting, but pretty great to have an average day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I miss my mom

March 23, 2011

Today was eventful. I chose to sleep through seminary and first period today because I was just so stinking tired.. hmm wonder why, probably because I'm still up and it's nearly 10. anyway then I went to school to see Kelsey only she didn't come to school again so she's gonna be lots of fun to be around when she comes back from Hawaii. Me and Yolanda had fun talking in creative writing.. I really can't stand most of those people, but I looked around today and realized in two months time we will all be in such completely different walks of life. It's like we were never united in anything. Everybody kept talking about the May improv show and I just felt like shouting that I won't be in it. Then suffer the repercussions. I've told the man in charge and that's all that matters to me. And I won't be getting inducted on friday so we'll see how that works out. Life has a funny way of making you change your mind and leave behind everything you once thought important. Like the music department, that was my world. I miss it dearly at times, but I wouldn't change this year for anything. And I'm sure I'll miss the drama department someday, but not in the way I always thought I would. ANYWAY I went to get my senior pics printed at wal-mart after school then headed to work to take a nap before we got started. I powered through the workday then headed over to red robin with the girls for yet another birthday celebration. It was just me, jen, kristy and samantha. Samantha is our new massage therapist and she's super cute. After we were done there I went over to the pool where our young women were swimming and turns out so were everybody else. haha both of Joe's little sisters were there and I got to laugh with them for a minute. It was fun! Then we went back to the church and I sat in while my dad and Cache talked. Man, I really love that kid, we go way back :) he's going to have my back no matter what I do in life. That's always nice to know somebody loves you like that. Then Joe came to see me for less than 5 minutes and I went home to find some Jensen's hiding in my basement with my father... haha it's been a full day and I'm ready to sleep for a long while. 
Goodnight World, maybe tomorrow I'll just get to sleep for a long time..

12 days till mom comes home

March 22, 2011
I went shooting today with Joe and his sisters, it was a lot of fun and turns out I'm an excellent shot! :) I blew a milk carton apart, it was kind of exciting! I totally fell asleep on the way there though because we went out by area 52 by the inlet, it sure is beautiful over there. I have been so tired lately and I'm not sure what the problem is. I guess I just like sleeping a lot. truth be told. 
We went out to lunch at chepos for Jens birthday and I got to get out of school for it! It was such fun sitting with Julie and the rest of the girls just being friends. I love my coworkers! Doc and Diane and docs mom were there too which is always fun.
Oh my picture today is of my boyfriend, Joe, shooting at these sillly paper targets we set up on a hillside.. right next to the no shooting sign... whoops! Oh well! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back to the daily grind

March 21, 2011
Back to school today and I was less than pleased, but I got to tell Jen all about my wonderful weekend and see Joe for a moment after work, it was nice. I'm dead tired so I'm still a day behind with uploading, but I'm working on it! Oh and also I'm quitting the improv troupe... but Kelsey and her team are state champs and keep talking about it so woot woot! let's celebrate!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20, 2011
The sunday after prom tradition of wearing your dresses. haha I love it! and the faces these wonderful people make : ) We all had such fun girl time today! And my coworker Julie got called to be the young womens secretary so she got to stay with us and laugh right along with all the silly things we say. After church Joe picked me up and we went to his friends house, turns out everyone in their ward already knows about us... haha so there was lots of questions and we never really figured out how to tell our story so when someone asked I was kinda stumped.. Oh well, we'll work it out. Then we went to dinner with my family at Eddie and Kristen Andersons home. It was lovely! We ate and laughed and played games. It was great, and my family really likes him. grand day! Now I've got to go back to school tomorrow. Oh I feel like such a jerk, I forgot to add that we won the state championships. Kelsey was on fire and apparently it was wonderful! I feel bad that I didn't add it yesterdays post. WE WON!! Woot Woot!!! 
Goodnight World, I'm going to sleep with a smile on my face.

A time to Dance!

March 19, 2011
Hello Mo prom :) What turned out to be one of the absolute best nights I've ever had. This guy was the best prom date a girl could have asked for. We played call of duty.. haha I suck at that game, but nonetheless it was quite fun. We went to Cattle Company for dinner and it took forever! But once we finally got to the dance it was wonderful and we danced a few times and danced with some other people a few times and chatted up a storm the whole time we were together. In my opinion it's much better to go to prom with a close friend. Because this was my favorite prom. Even if my boyfriend did go with some other girl.. haha oh well. It was fun times to be had by all : )

It doesn't get much better than this

Dear World,
Funny how much your life can change in just one week. If you would have told me two weeks ago that I'd be girlfriend to a truly amazing guy and we won the Alaska State Championship Basketball game and Coulson was the best prom date I've had so far. I'm not sure we would have agreed on all those things. Life has this little way of coming out and surprising you when you least expect it. I'm a huge fan of those things. Goodnight World, I'll post my pictures tomorrow :)
Sincerely, a silly love struck teenage girl.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Date number three= girlfriend :)

March 18, 2011
I guess I've just been loving the black and white lately. If you look closely you'll notice how we're only one point in front of the opposing team.. the entire game seemed to be this way. It was so intense and had everyone literally on the edge of their seats until be pulled ahead by 7 in those last few seconds. I love and hate games like that. It makes the crowd a little more happy and the players a little more pleased when they come out victorious, but holy cow give me a freaking heart attack.. haha 
This morning I went out with Joe to help him pick out a shirt for prom. About halfway through I realized I was helping him pick out a shirt so he could look good for another girl. There's something wrong with this picture. haha I think it's kinda funny though. Oh and he asked me to be his girlfriend :) So sorry guys, I'm taken. haha I love it! 
Yolanda came with me to the game today so I didn't have be bored to death and just sing to myself like I did yesterday. But that's all well and fine. We had a great chance to just catch up and talk about everything. It was wonderful. I'm so glad for good friends like her and also for spring break to give me this opportunity to figure things out and recuperate. It's exactly what I needed. 
Looks like it's prom time already, Jen, break out the bumpit and lets do this! :) 
I'm off to a party with Joe, Goodnight World.

Date number two!

March 17, 2011
Sometimes life just makes you smile. I woke up to nearly 6 inches of snow blanketing our world. I went to work today and spent the morning with some wonderful girls :) quickly followed by lunch with them at chilis then I headed out to Anchorage to see our wasilla lady warriors compete in the first round of the state championships. We won! by 15 points, although it was pretty intense through the whole thing because we were neck and neck. I love going to those games. I think that's one thing I'm going to miss next year. Anyway I went home with just enough time to shower before heading over to Joes to watch a movie. Me him, Cache and Haley all had a fun time watching megamind and playing an endless number of card games before Haley had to be home so I stayed and played more card games with Joe and his sisters. It was so much fun! Then I got to be part of their family scripture study and prayers. It was wonderful! and when I could barely keep my eyes open anymore I headed home. It was a truly wonderful day and my jaw hurts from smiling so much. :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Date Number One : )

March 16, 2011
There is a special place in heaven reserved for sweet boys like this one. 
Today was more amazing then I could have asked for, I'm so glad life has taken a complete turn and is so wonderful these days. I went on a date this morning with Joe Wolverton, he's such a great guy, it was a ton of fun! We played frisbee golf, then had hot chocolate then played croquet then had lunch and started a movie. There was a lot of laughter and much joking and some sweet smiles. Oh it was fantastic. We did all this with Haley and Cache, they are so awesome! I loved every minute of it! and I also might have another date sometime soon :) Life is so great! I went to work and was super giddy because that silly boy kept texting me. Which was kinda great too haha oh man, sorry I'm such a sap. I can't wait to hang out with Yolanda tomorrow and go to state. Tonight at activity it was so much fun because I just love being with good mormon kids and having fun, there was a long time where I just really felt like I didn't belong with them and that's all gone away now. It's lovely. Well I better get some sleep, doubtful though :) Oh my picture is Ammon, he's Joes brother. He's so funny!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I've really gotta work on this every day blogging thing

March 15, 2011
Great day! can't wait till tomorrow! Life is looking up and the future isn't quite so terrifying today. Just worked today and keep up with the hustle and bustle of day to day life. And state basketball is this weekend. It's gonna be tons of fun. I don't have a bunch going on right now. So I'm off to address graduation announcements finally. haha

Long day of work

March 14, 2011
Oh today was wonderful! I love my job and just want to work all the time and never go back to school. Spring break is exactly what I needed to get a new zest for life and make it through to graduation. It's going to be wonderful. Oh and I'm going on a date on Wednesday : ) Woot Woot!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hello Prom : )

March 13, 2011

Been a great day! Mostly because you're reading a blog from a girl who just got asked to prom! : ) Coulson is taking me to prom. woot woot! haha me and my brothers spent the evening at the Jensen's house, they made us dinner then we watched despicable me. I've never seen it before and it was so cute! I loved it! I'm going to prom! 
Oh and it was Trevors 14 birthday which is why we were there and where my picture came from. haha :) 
Goodnight World, I'm gonna go watch Hello Dolly!

Oops I did it again.... hahah

March 12, 2011
Alright so this isn't my best photo, but it has one of the best meanings to me. 
I was helping a very good friend D.J. the stake dance and through the box of wires and cords was this little view like watching the dance on TV instead of actually being there, I tried to capture it, but fell a little short. Sometimes moments like that cannot be captured by a camera, they just have to stay in our hearts. Last night was such an eye opener for me, I have spent the last two days just sitting at home, being productive, making my prom shoes, cleaning out my room so my sisters can move back in, it's been so very fun because I just get to sit around and listen to music I like and be by myself. I'm relishing this for just a little while because soon who knows where this life will be taking me? Jen came over and curled my hair so I felt like a different person. I think that's why I've always loved dances, because you can be so completely different for just three hours one day a month and no one can say anything about it, and those are the people you don't hang out with all the time. It's just so different. Although I'm so glad I got to sit up on the stage with Joe because I felt far too old to be there. Nearly everyone I know has moved on and the people I did know were at least two years younger than me.. oh well, guess that's what happens when you get to grow up. I'm starting a 52 week project with Kelsey and Yolanda where we pick a theme for the week and have to take a photo during the week that fits the theme then upload it to flickr by 9 pm on Sunday. It'll be fun, and I think it'll keep us closer as we venture out to take on the world. 
Good times to be had by all! :)

No Title

March 11, 2011
The sadness a piano can bring out still confounds me, the quiet depression of the keys played in the right order still makes me cry. Tyler wrote a song for his little brother and as I sat there and was an audience to his heartbreak, it broke my heart as well. Sometimes sad things happen to us and there is nothing we can do but try to see the happiness of the bigger picture. Hang in there buddy, you'll be okay.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


March 10, 2011
I'm not in a particularly great mood so I'm sorry if this comes off sounding harsh. I'm so ready to be done, I loved most of today, I laughed all morning. Me and Kelsey made up the best story ever in creative writing today! I'll post it later if I can get it from her. It was actually warm today when I went to walk out of school. Me and the girls went to check out Kelsey's picture that was part of an art show at Kaladis. I love them. 
I went to work and got super fed up with people. I'm just so excited to get the chance to sleep in and not do things that are expected of me. And not have to deal with Kristy making it seem like I don't do enough, I do plenty. And so much more than just the office stuff. It's exhausting and I feel like snapping at them so often these days. I love those girls, but sometimes it takes every shred of my person to make it through to thursday night.  My knee is very swollen today :( It popped and immobilized me for about 5 minutes then I limped my way around the rest of the afternoon. I made it home then had to crawl around downstairs because my dad wanted to clean. I'm off to bed finally and mom is England bound still. Whoo!

Another day

March 9, 2011
My mom and I went out to lunch and she loves me so she bought me cinnamon bears and we were playing with them because our waitress was taking forever! But I love just sitting and talking with that wonderful woman : )

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Titles are dumb.

March 8, 2011
Just having minor freakout sessions all day and dealing with things that I feel are way beyond my maturity level. I'm scared. And I think that's just the plain truth of it all. 
Dear Scumbag, I miss you, but that's just because I'm afraid and stressed. Life without you is significantly better. I only miss the good things about you, like driving around for hours, or never feeling scared or worried when I was with you.. that just came after.. every time. Anyway, I won't respond to your 8 zillion texts messages.. so stop sending them please. It doesn't make this any easier. Goodbye. 

My parents are wonderful people and my mom leaves tomorrow night to pick up Andrea in England. Oh my goodness its going to be so different having them all home again. It will be nice. Maybe something will make sense again once that happens. 
Well it's late. And I'm ready to get some sleep. 
Goodnight World, stay tuned

Sometimes I forget a title..

March 7, 2011
Sometimes you need to view the world from a different perspective. 
I spent a good 3 hours of my day holding this lovely girl as she cried out all her hurt and frustration then finally giddiness when the time was right. It hurt me so much to see her in such emotional pain without a thing in the world I could do about it. Best friends are just supposed to do those things, I didn't say a whole lot, but I didn't need to. She just needed  to cry and talk then make up with her Erik and everything turned out peachy keen. Ah young love : ) He's going to buy her as many cows as she wants :) 
It opened my eyes, I'd like to have someone to cry over.. haha and I don't just mean the friends I have. I don't need that today, or even next week, I just have to remember that it's out there waiting for me too. The part of the day that I didn't spend worrying about Kelsey, I spent with her, so it was pretty much a Kelsey day.. which is why she's my picture of the day.. and also my best friend. Life is good, the sun didn't set on a bad note, God made sure of that. I'm way past time for bed once again, looks like I'll just not sleep ever again. haha well worth it. 
Goodnight World, The future is looming..

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The title is always the last thing I write..

March 6, 2011
Heavenly Father chooses inspired leaders to take care of his children while on the earth. 
Today was such a interesting day, which is code for what the heck just happened and there were some really high points. 
I had a wonderful time at church, I bore my testimony in testimony meeting and felt kinda silly because I made fun of cache form the pulpit.. whoops! We watched a movie all through sunday school again then met with the relief society to have opening exercises which is always a interesting occurrence. I couldn't think of a overly positive minute right off the spot so I just said Andrea coming home in less than a month was mine. Which is true, but I wish there had been a truly wonderful thing this week. I guess not every week can be fantastic. 
We went to a bishops fireside tonight at the Musgraves house and it was really sweet. Our boys do so well giving up their seats when a lady comes in that needs one. And my dad gave such a great talk and led a really great discussion about dating and such. I've been trying to talk to my girls about it, but he said just the right words and didn't sugar coat it at all. I love my father. Some kids in my ward made me realize just how dumb boys are.. so I went over to talk to Nan for a moment after the fireside was over. I love that woman, she is always willing to talk just when I need her to. She gave me a big hug and assured me that boy is dumb and sent me on my way. I love her :) 
Life is good and I can't wait to get out of here away from people I see every day. I'm really going to miss some of them like my dad and Nan, but there will be others who will have to suffice while I'm away. 
Goodnight World. I don't plan on sleeping much tonight.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Balloons to brighten your spirits

March 5, 2011
Been a pretty grand day, I'm still feeling sick, but I'm hoping it'll get better sometime soon. I've spent a significant amount of time over the past two days researching some photography techniques and looking at photos from my inspiration haha I haven't even seen her in years but she takes the most amazing photos and I want to be just like her! :) 
I worked this morning then went with my mom to the relief society thing and spent just enough time there to be fun then realized I don't much care for some of those people.. haha oh well. I love my ward in general. Then I came home to hang out with Jen and play with my hair for prom. It was great fun and I think we decided what we are going to do my hair like for prom :) We lost the region championship tonight :( I only wish I could have been there. dumb colony. haha 
goodnight World, I'm off to get some rest.
March 4, 2011
I got nothing.. I ate too much sugar and struggled through the school day. and kept having to run to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to puke many times. And I'm still sneezing :( but I've spent the evening with my mother watching stardust and sleeping.

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 3, 2011
My family has many sweet moments, I just wish I had a real camera to capture those moments with. I know you can always remember them in your mind, but It's never the same. A picture is worth a thousand words and this one says it all. You can't read it, but we were listening to a cd that our beloved grandma Michele sent to Bob as his theme song. The song was, It's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way. haha We all had a nice long laugh about it :) I love these goons. 
The boys had a particularly great concert tonight that sadly I was unable to attend due to problems with my work schedule.. and being misinformed. Or uninformed about the concert at all haha that might have had something to do with it. And I had a particularly long and trying day at work and school. But I love my parents and am excited I don't have to do anything this weekend except work. should be fun times :)

Wednesday :)

March 2, 2011
So I'm a few days behind again, but I've been doing more constructive things.. like sleeping... with my spare time. Which is pretty much none so Sorry! haha 
This is my favorite of my dads friends, he unofficially has dinner with us every Wednesday night and him and my father were having a truly hilarious conversation so I tried to capture a bit of that. This is Clinton Peterson and he's like a part of our family. He's awesome and I wish he knew just how much he means to my family.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's that time again.

March 1, 2011
No lie, I like this picture a lot. I was trying to get a picture of Kelsey's mask in the mirror because it looked really amazing, but she was onto me and picked it up.. so I cut off her head instead :) haha 
Today was a pretty wonderful day. I woke up to my father being ridiculously excited about the northern lights and waking up the whole house. I love that man. I was on time for seminary which lately has been a regular occurrence. I'm pretty sure I passed my math cumulative exam. I got plastered... literally, Yolanda helped me put plaster on my face to make a mask. I just like saying I got plastered. me and the girls had such fun joking around and laughing at each other. Kelsey was being so goofy and I love it when she's like that. I decided I was doing really well and hadn't watched any scary movies or anything lately so I read a bunch of short horror stories during my T.A. class and oh boy that was a big mistake. My parents are in Anchorage at the temple for the evening and I'm home alone with the boys in bed and it's ridiculously dark outside and I keep hearing funny noises that are totally in my head, but knowing that still doesn't help. So I am just sitting here clack clacking away on my lovely keyboard. I really should go to bed since I didn't take a nap today.. even though that's what I wanted more than anything. I did NOT want to get out of bed this morning. Oh well looks like I've got to get some sleep if I can. I've got Nikki for protection! And I'm pretty sure God's on my side so we're all good here. Okay I'm really done. 
Goodnight World. See you tomorrow!