Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sometimes I forget a title..

March 7, 2011
Sometimes you need to view the world from a different perspective. 
I spent a good 3 hours of my day holding this lovely girl as she cried out all her hurt and frustration then finally giddiness when the time was right. It hurt me so much to see her in such emotional pain without a thing in the world I could do about it. Best friends are just supposed to do those things, I didn't say a whole lot, but I didn't need to. She just needed  to cry and talk then make up with her Erik and everything turned out peachy keen. Ah young love : ) He's going to buy her as many cows as she wants :) 
It opened my eyes, I'd like to have someone to cry over.. haha and I don't just mean the friends I have. I don't need that today, or even next week, I just have to remember that it's out there waiting for me too. The part of the day that I didn't spend worrying about Kelsey, I spent with her, so it was pretty much a Kelsey day.. which is why she's my picture of the day.. and also my best friend. Life is good, the sun didn't set on a bad note, God made sure of that. I'm way past time for bed once again, looks like I'll just not sleep ever again. haha well worth it. 
Goodnight World, The future is looming..


Rachel Novae said...

God made someone special, just for you. I'm excited to see who that is, eventually! Haha I knew it was Kelsey just by the converse. xD
I love you! Miss you all.

Linnea Holbrook said...

I love that that is Kelsey, I thought the legs looked really short because of how you captured it. Then I realized that her feet reach halfway up the top locker :D Sabrina, you are such a good friend!