Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gotta get down on Friday.

March 25, 2011

Oh thespian society inductions, you are quite spectacular after all. Here we have a hillbilly, Cw Twohy in his very finest and last but not least the very loathed Rebecca Black who was all too thrilled it was Friday, Friday, Friday. (ew.) All in all it was a splendid day and I got to drive up to hatchers pass with my honey after school. The view up there still astounds me no matter how many times I see it. God really knew what he was doing with this whole creating the world deal. haha I had the opportunity to take my brothers to Marty's eagle court of honor tonight, it was quite fantastic and he was so excited! Me and miss JoLee Fife sat next to each other and giggled through almost the whole ceremony, that girl cracks me up! Then I took the boys home so they could go to sleep and I could watch Titanic. I love that movie. When my dad got home around 11 he just sat there and talked because he was so excited with his productive day, it was really cute how thrilled he was. 

1 comment:

Linnea Holbrook said...

excited :D