Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Last post for the 365

December 31, 2011
Happy New Year! This was a fantastic day. 
I got to see Miss JoLee Fife! She was the person I was most excited to see and I almost didn't get to :) I packed up everything, went shopping with my mom for camera bag stuff. Just enjoyed being here in the absolute  freezing and snow then looked forward to heading back to Provo. 
My parents had to chaperone the new years dance so they took one car and I was supposed to come pick my dad up when I was ready to leave so he could take me to the airport. So I finished packing everything, said goodbye to the brothers then headed to the church. Where I just walked in, jeans and all. and snuck up on Jolee :) She screamed and we hugged a few times. It was so great to see her so excited to see me. She's my favorite Fife! haha  And I got to see Marty and Brother Walker and Bishop Pace. It was so great to be there. I never much cared for dances except when it meant making up goofy dances with Jolee and Benjamin and having a genuinely good time. I got to see Nan and Bart as we were walking out the door as well. It has been so great to be here and be reminded that everybody loves me and there are always hugs waiting for me at home if I need them. I just wish it was so incredibly far away. There are some of the best people here and the funny thing is almost none of them had anything to do with high school. I think that makes me the most happy because I was not the best high schooler. Apparently not being dramatic is a problem. haha 
Anyway my dad and I headed to Anchorage and didn't talk a whole lot on the way there, but it was nice just to be with him in the snow and darkness. 
Then I was dropped at the curb and left to catch my plane. When the clock finally struck midnight everyone was all smiles and it was sort of a silent celebration to ring in the new year. 
Goodbye 2011 and Alaska, it's been fun. 
I'm so grateful for this project and what an impact it has had on me. I am legitimately addicted to my camera now. Looking over the past year I'm so glad I have it all documented. I know I won't do this again for awhile, but it was fun while it lasted. Let's see what kind of advancement I can make in my photography career this year. 
Goodbye 2011, I'm not going to miss you.

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