Monday, February 7, 2011

The first cut is the deepest

February 7, 2011
Today was not the best day of my life. I'll just leave it at that because I don't want to wallow in it. 
Cw is going to take me to church prom in March. and sometime this year I'm going to go to disneyland alone and stay with my cousins for a few days just to get the heck out of here for any length of time. I love my best friend, but I really don't like her right now. 
I love my mother because when I had such a whopper of a bad day she still brings me my favorite drink and sugar free chocolates. I love that woman so much. She's the best anyone could ever ask for and I'm so grateful. 
Things will look up tomorrow. When I can stop crying. 
Goodnight World, 
Girl with sad, red, swollen and puffy brown eyes.

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