Monday, August 15, 2011

I love that you love

August 14, 2011
This day was perfect. 
I went to church and was pleasantly surprised with how many people I recognized. I'm really trying to remember everyone's names. It's like a game! While we're having a lesson or whatever I got over everybodies names in my head, it's definitely entertaining. 
After church I met up with Rachael and Kevin and we went to The willis' home about a half hour away. It was so lovely to see all those people who love me again. Rachael and Kevin are absolutely perfect for each other and I love her so much and I'm so stinkin' excited that she's happy. I forgot how much we could talk when we get together. She's just wonderful. I enjoy friendships that last forever. We played so many games and had a splendid time together. It was just a wonderful time. Then I got to see her wedding dress!! :) and I totally teared up a bit. 
Life is good, Rachael is in love, my sisters will be here in a month and hopefully soon I'll have a job!

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