Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is this a date?

August 6, 2011
Today was phenomenal. I spent the morning with grandma Michele just looking through all her things and laughing about events past. Then I decided to go for a drive and find some fun places. Which is where this lovely photo  comes from. I've really got to make some friends and start photographing people. 
Around dinner Cris called and asked me to watch a movie with him, and after them getting so lost I had no clue where they were they finally found me and we went back to his house to watch a movie. After his friends left we spent hours just talking about whatever the conversation brought up. I haven't done that in years. Everything from homecoming to haunted houses and everything in between. And at about the point I was going to fall asleep he took me home and since my lovely internet wasn't working I wrote in my journal instead. It feels good to renew a friendship that's true after so long. He's going to make a great missionary. 
He remembered things that even I had forgotten about all those years ago. Life is surprisingly good.

1 comment:

JuliaCannon said...

I loved it before i read it, just for the title.