Monday, August 29, 2011

I wish I could hate her...

August 28, 2011
Today was grand. 
It started out rough and I didn't go to church because of stupid allergies. They are really taking their toll on me. and I finally meandered downstairs and watched a bit of T.V. with my grandparents then a giant thunderstorm came and I spent a good hour just sitting on the porch enjoying the thrills of lightning flashing across the sky while the thunder cracked directly over the house. It was quite something. and I got my first lightning photos. Whoo hoo! I think the middle one is my favorite. 
Tomorrow I've got big plans to apply for a few more jobs, call my cousin and work out. It's going to be a good start to the week!
I've got to rant for just one sec, my very dear friend has this girlfriend that I happen to be more than a little jealous of, and I want to hate her, I really do, but dang it she's so gorgeous and nice that I can't. ugh. it's a dilemma to be sure. Oh well, that's one of the good things about living thousands of miles away. 

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