Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3, 2011
I find this girl in practice rooms in the music department at the most wonderful moments. Even though I don't agree with some of the choices she's made, I still am so very glad to have her in my life to make sense of everything when nothing makes sense. We discovered huge driftwood land together, we will go back many times before I have to leave this place I love so very much. We have not always been the most considerate of one another, but through all the bruised knees, knocked over trees and those pesky park fees I have fallen madly in love with this state and all the diversity it has to offer. And I don't just mean turning your thermostat from hot to cold to hot again all in one day. I mean the quiet little back roads that lead to wondrous places like airports or empty log cabins, or just beautiful trees that fly by as you speed too fast away from civilization. 
Enough about that I suppose. I had a strange day, but I got so much done at work! my boss was stressing me out because I couldn't move forward till he wrote a note or two.. and we got a little behind, but all is well now! I took my colored pencils to school that Linnea bought for me for Christmas, all 50 of them :) and drew Marty a super fun picture while we were watching the state of the union address in government. Man I hate it when Mr. Berg is gone, it's super lame. that's one of the joys that comes with basketball season I suppose. This season has been better than the other 3 as far as Kelsey and me are concerned. I still want to spend time with her, and her with me. I think it's because we realized we don't have much longer to just be together. Yolanda and me were talking this morning about college and such, and I got really scared because it's all so big and scary. I know it's going to be a wonderful adventure, but until then.. getting there is going to be a long and terrifying journey. 
Wish me luck, World. I'd really appreciate any prayers to be spared in my behalf, I want to go to BYU-Provo so badly. just a couple more weeks till I get my acceptance letter. If they would stop postponing the deadline.. haha

1 comment:

Rachael Snow said...

i liked this. i love the description of alaska. it is a beautiful place and you will miss it dearly when you leave. take advantage of every second you have there. one thing i've learned since i moved is that it is a dream to the rest of the world. i got to live there! we get to call it home.

secondly haha :), dont be scared about college. i know its a strange, mysterious time but it is so exciting. when it comes, you'll be ready and you'll do great. love you girl! i will pray for your application.