Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 26, 2011
These girls are so funny. It was strange story time and Kalli was doing a splendid job obviously judging by everyones faces. It was quite an entertaining day. After school I went over to Joe's then went to the movies with him and my family. Fun stuff.. and turns out I forgot to go home haha I realized about 9:30 that I was supposed to be asleep. oops! 

my sister has her moments

April 25, 2011

Happy day! Well happy that it's over at least. I love having family and coming home to craziness. The entire Jensen clan was at my home this evening when I came home, man I love their family. They are so great! They are just so comfortable with ours and I love having such good friends. And also Chris fixed my car! which he always does. I'm done.

Happy Easter!

April 24, 2011
Happy Easter! today was stake conference and I sang in the choir! It was wonderful and such fun. It was telecasted and I was sitting right in the line of the camera, thankfully the stake president was right in front of me so I hid a little bit. Joe got ordained to the office of an elder. Me and Linnea drove over to the colony chapel to be there for his confirmation. It was awesome and everybody was so excited. Then my family went over to the Wolvertons for easter dinner, it was quite fun :) everybody had a good time and there was lots of food and laughter. Great stuff :)

Strange winds are brewing

April 23, 2011
Sometimes your parents make you go on dates with nice boys that ask SO you let them buy you dinner and take you to a movie. We went and saw source code with Tyler Seims and his date. It was grand. lots of laughs.

Yes, we have no bananas

April 22, 2011
We dyed eggs today, I love my family and the fun we have together. I went over to Joes and made brownies today with him. It was a lot of fun :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Newfound glory

April 21, 2011
Today was the most thoroughly boring day I've had in quite awhile. I was busy all day, but oh my goodness all I wanted to do was go home and lie in my bed. I'm so done with feeling like venting about things that I have no control over. Like how my friends and I come from different planets. and how I've suddenly got nothing in common with anyone I used to. It's just so strange. I got to see Joe tonight for just a moment and then I came home to spend time with my family Clinton showed up to complete the family time and me and the girls went for 50 cent cones at mcdonalds for a moment. It was fun :) Now I'm going to get some sleep and not wake up till I finally awake after I'm well and rested : ) oh I love days off!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Let the sun shine in

April 20, 2011
Bells Nursery is so beautiful when it isn't entirely spring outside. Look at all the colors! We had such a splendid time wandering through the delicate and fragile garden things, my favorite chair in the world is for sale for a ridiculous amount of money there. Also I found a bench I really love. Also I've noticed I have an obsession for porch swings and the like. I just think there is something so lovely and romantic about it. Yup that's it. 
I spent the morning with my wonderful mother and fabulous sisters. WE WENT TO LITTLE CAESARS!!!!! and I got crazy bread!!!!! :) best day of my life. We went shopping at Costco and just enjoyed the sunshine before we had to come back out to the valley so I could be at work on time. We played just dance tonight for activity and it was a lot of fun! and Miss Shelby Rae came! :) I love that girl, she's so stinkin' cute :)

A month has come and gone.. and then some

April 19, 2011
We went on a picnic!!! :) And my entire family is home! ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me, Joe, Cache and Haley went on a picnic to one of my favorite places in the world. We climbed up with this cliff and found a higher one then climbed up that too.. then I remembered Joe is afraid of heights so we went back down haha It was a beautiful day and we thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine. And also I love Joe :)

I have good Mormon friends.

April 18, 2011
Today was another normal Monday except I went over to what it seems like is my second home, the Jensens house and ate dinner and helped with Coulsons graduation announcements and ate delicious bread that Tanya made and watched some of the 7th harry potter movie.. haha hilarious. I loove that family. They are crazy. And also Emma is adorable!

Pop Rocks are tasty

April 17, 2011
Today we went to church, had BYC, went to Jens to play games and eat banana bread, went to the Jensens for dinner, left my brothers there to spend the night then went over to Joe's to watch the 7th Harry Potter part one. I'd say that's a fairly eventful day. Also there was a hilarious incident involving pop rocks and that's all I'm going to say about it :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

a silent prayer, always

April 16, 2011
Dear world, I am the worlds biggest couch potato. The only person I interacted with outside my brothers was Cache and that was because I was stalling going home so I took a graduation announcement over to their house lol and Joe, but I didn't actually get to see him. I got fig newtons! I've been craving them for days. And I ate almost the whole package by myself. I kinda splurged and got two movies and breadsticks and fig newtons. no wonder I feel so icky, I didn't do anything but sit all day. I'm still sitting! what in the world. I got to talk to my mom for a bit, that's always nice. I really love that lady, she is quite fantastic. I now know why God created the weekends, so we could regain our sanity to make it through another week. I only wish he had made it a 5 day weekend and a 2 day week.. that would probably help with a lot of peoples sanity. Just a thought big guy. haha 
my picture today is my mothers crystals, some of them. My dad buys her one at the state fair each year and she's got quite a few. We recently hung them up in the kitchen window because that's where we get the most light and it's truly been a joy. Well I ought to get some sleep. Long day tomorrow. 
Goodnight, World, sweet dreams. Keep my loved ones safe.

Living with nightmares is no fun.

April 15, 2011
It's time for the kids to start playing on the practice field again, spring must be here. 
Life is pretty good. I've been so cranky and snappy towards the girls lately and I can't understand it. I know I haven't been sleeping enough, but geez. I really have to work on that one. I realized today just how far behind I am in algebra. It's silly really, I just let myself not do the assignments and skip school like it was no big deal, and it wasn't. But now I've got to make up for as much as I can. I hate math. 
I really hate feeling like I can't show other people my pictures. 
I got paid today. And took the boys over to Joe's house to have dinner and a movie with him and his family. It was a lot of fun and Bob kept making fun of me for snuggling with Joe.. oh well, little brothers. geez. haha I really like their family. Life  is good. I love the weekends and can't wait till the day when I can just work and that will be the bane of my existence. I dislike having so many things I have to do all the time. Just give me one thing to focus on and I've got it made. With school (and all that entails), work, my family, being laurel president, trying to figure out what to do with my life, and making sure I have enough money to do it.. I'm just getting burned out which I suppose is how you're supposed to feel at the end, but why is it that everyone seems to be handling it so much better than I am. I'm about to take some kids head off just for being an idiot in the hallway, it really has gotten to the point where I long for the day I no longer have to walk those halls and am able to just float for a bit. I understand that everyone at this point to some degree has given up, but mine is to the point where I said I'd watched a movie the night previous to the conversation, Kelsey jumped on it saying she hated it and I just got so frustrated, that reaction is not normal. I'm so fed up with everything that it's started to rub off on the people I want most in my life. Maybe that's why college was designed so everybody could get out and do their own thing while they still had a little bit of a free spirit. Who knows. 
I can't wait for my family to come home and they've only been gone one day.

Friday, April 15, 2011

prom prom just kidding we're too smart for that.

April 9, 2011
This is the missing picture, but sadly there was a mishap and all the rest of the ones I talked about were deleted. Guess that's what happens when somebody else keeps the camera. Human error gets me every time haha It'll be fine and I really like this picture anyway.


April 14, 2011
All I wish for these days is a beautiful camera much like one of these so I can finally quit feeling like I can't show anyone my pictures. I love taking pictures and I shouldn't feel ashamed of showing them off, but my picture quality is just so low compared to others. oh well. 
I feel bad because I've been snapping at everybody lately. It's not intentional, it's just sort of been happening. Then I immediately regret it and I don't know why it happened. I think it might be because of the lack of real sleep. tonight I'm staying at the house alone so we'll see how that goes. How lame am I? I'm 18 years old and my parents go out of town for the weekend and the biggest plans I have are to do the dishes and eat a whole tub of ice cream. woot woot! yeah I should probably thank my lucky stars that I'm not like most people my age. Oh well. I played volleyball at the church tonight after work for an hour. It was a lot of fun, I just have to work on being aggressive on the court.. I'm really bad at that and have always been bad at that. We'll see how next time goes. 
Mostly I just want to skip school tomorrow to sleep, but I won't.

You go glencoco!

April 13, 2011
It's the jazz festival time of year again. I'm sad I'm not in the frenzy of the moment with the rest of them, I also don't think I can replace last years memories with people I can't seem to handle lately. Just the thought of last year makes me want to cry, but that's because scumbag was involved. I truly hope that someday I'll forget all about that. 
Today was long to say the least. I came home for lunch instead of heading to work to take a short nap and surprise! no one was home.. dang! So I ended up heading to work a bit earlier than I thought. Andrea came in and met everybody at the office today though, it was super exciting. After work I headed over to see how the activity was going, realized I wasn't needed(thankfully) and went home to chat with my mom and sister till Clinton came over and told us stories. I love that guy and I'm so glad he's part of our family. We started talking about Joe and he said "does he know you're cheating on him with me?" haha what a funny guy. I gave him my graduation announcement and he said "I think you're going to make the refrigerator.... maybe even the wallet which is a big deal because no woman has ever made the wallet" It's nice to have somebody like him around that really is part of the family. 
And then I got to go to sleep! It was great while it lasted till I woke up at 2:30 and laid there awake till it was time to go to seminary. bah!

Colors to brighten my eyes

April 12, 2011
Today My best friend met my boyfriend. I'm the happiest girl in the world. These next few months are going to be the shining ones of my whole high school. I plan on making the very most of it and love that I have great people to spend it with. I'm just happy.. And also very behind in Algebra 2... but that can be remedied if I finally decide to care again. We'll see.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

In just a little while, I'll never come back here.

April 11, 2011
Today was just your average monday, it was kinda normal and I'm not really sure what to say about it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Missionaries are super cool.

Because I'm an airhead and I totally forgot to write this in for todays post. Elder Todd Fife sent me a letter in the mail! I was so incredibly excited! he sent me a picture and all :) It was wonderful, man I miss that kid! Anyway that's all, he's doing well. haha

Linnea, Pilot bread is cool.

Sisters, sister, there were never such devoted sisters

April 10, 2011
I have developed a new appreciation for sisters after having a few absent ones for awhile. and these two are outrageous and ridiculous, but that's what makes them such fantastic sisters because they can take each others faults and downfalls and lift them up to make them such wonderful people. Also they are super cute and always happy. I love it! Today was great as always and I had a splendid time with my family after church just spending time together. They complete me :)

Dear Sabrina, This is really your last prom.. kinda

April 9, 2011
The photo for today is postponed until further notice. I took a really great one, but sad story it's on Kaylee's camera.. so until she gets it to me, we'll just have to wait. haha oh well, what can you do.
Me and Joe went out to prom dinner with Kaylee and Tallon after I spent most of the day at Jens and Kelsey came over for breakfast with the whole family. It was a blast. Jen did me up all pretty again. It was fun, we always have a good time doing that. We went to dinner at the Valley Hotel in Palmer then went out to the old Matanuska river bridge to take pictures. It was a lot of fun and mostly we were just goofing off so I don't think there's a serious picture in the bunch. But mostly I think those are the best kind of photos. Then we left them and went to the church for about 20 minutes of the dance before heading over to Cache's house to watch a movie and watch the movie Joe and the boys made a couple days ago. It was actually pretty hilarious. All in all it was a pretty fantastic day and I felt like a princess :)

It's friday again!

April 8, 2011
Today was interesting, but not bad. I went to school for 3 classes. Turns out the teachers told us not to come at all, but since I haven't been at school I didn't get to share in the tid bit of information. It was still kinda fun to go and join in all the prom hype that's going around. I will miss some of those people. and a couple of the teachers like Mr. Kamilos and Mr. Jensen. Those guys have been great teachers to me and very able to relate to all our various situations. It's been fun. Anyway I went to the office to see everybody and give Kristy her gluten free lasagna. She ate it right then haha Then I went home and addressed about 100 graduation announcements.. literally. those things are so silly, it's like 12 steps just to complete one announcement.. whatever. I went house stuff shopping with Jen! We didn't go till pretty late, but it was kinda fun because we just wandered and brainstormed and got all giddy because she's finally moving in!!! :) It's wonderful! And we went out for ice cream because she found 6 bucks It was a blast. I love that girl.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Not my favorite picture.

April 7, 2011
It was a busy day, I tried starting off the day once and made it through seminary before I gave up and went back home to sleep. then I started over again to see if I could not be so cranky. I got ready for work then Joe came to pick me up for lunch which was fun :) as always. And he helped me with the dishes again which is always nice :) We went to Subway for lunch. Then I went to work and Jen's sick today so I had my hands full with everything I needed to get done. Then got off about 15 minutes early to surprise everybody while my sister reported about her mission to the high council. It was really awesome. Then I got to sneak in and steal a few kisses before going home. Life is good.

Sometimes car accidents happen.. like when we have freak snowstorms

April 6, 2011
Well I didn't feel too great today, but I had to go back to work so it's a good thing I could handle it. Also we kinda rear-ended somebody on our way to breakfast this morning. haha It wasn't too bad. Just mangled the front of Joe's car a bit. But we survived and all was well. Then I got to take a nap before heading to work. Afterwards the planning meeting we had for activity went really well and we finished out most of the year without a hitch. I love those girls.

This is what happy looks like

April 5, 2011
Today was fun :) Joe met my mom and sister for the first time. It was nice to be able to introduce them to somebody like him who makes me so happy. We had delicious gluten free lasagna for dinner and went to help Jen and Nick paint their new house. It was the most fun I've ever had painting! :) First of all I love Jen and Nick because they are so goofy and excited about having their own house and are decorating it whichever way they want. It's kinda fantastic. And also because my fantastic boyfriend agreed to spend his afternoon helping me and my friends. What a great guy :) 
also I love not going to school!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

These are my people

April 4, 2011
Today was absolutely fantastic! Life is just so wonderful and I love my family so much! We didn't make it home till after 3 am and I think I've got to stop staying up like that. Today was spectacular and I got to see my sister bear her testimony to the stake president and it was awesome. I love it! and we went out to dinner at Chepos and then I went over to see Jens new house! and me and Joe are going to help them paint tomorrow :) It's going to be quite splendid! and Joe is meeting my mom and sister tomorrow :) I'm so excited and life is grand!! :)

Monday, April 4, 2011


April 3, 2011
We spent the whole day listening to conference and having a blast spending our last day together with just me and the boys. It was a blast! And we headed into town to pick up the girls and met up with Aunt Kathie. It was so much fun! I loved it! I was jumping back and forth from one foot and the other. It was such a blast and I cried and it was fun and everybody was hugging and laughing. I loved it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

There are perfect days.

April 2, 2011
Today was just full of excitement and craziness. I got up super early so I could figure out the computer so the boys could watch conference then got all dressed to go with Joe to conference at the church. It was fun and during the afternoon session MY SISTER LINNEA SANG IN THE CHOIR!!!!!!!! I totally screamed and cried and was just a mess as soon as I saw her because she was in the very first frame they shot. Oh it was amazing and they sounded so good and I loved every minute of it! The messages that were delivered today by our general authorities were so amazing I was truly moved to tears on more than one occasion. I haven't gone to the church for conference in years and truly I believe it made me pay so much closer attention than I would have had I chosen to partake in it anywhere else. And I took super good notes so I can get seminary extra credit. I got to chat with Andrea and my mom and Linnea and my cousin Aubrie today, it was so much fun to be able to talk to all of them. I did something kinda silly and I bought cucumbers when I was meant to buy zucchini, it was kinda funny when I got home and busted them out. Oh well I love cucumber too. We had a few friends over tonight to watch wall-e which was a lot of fun and they left and Joe hung around to drive in with my to pick up Jen and Nick from the airport because they wanted to come home to their new house finally. It's fun stuff! and we didn't end up getting home till 2 am. And I get to do the same thing again tomorrow night with Andrea and My mom :) :) :)


April 1, 2011
So only one person played an april fools joke on me today and that happened to be Mr. Joseph Wolverton. Who also got my whole family in on it so I was really out of the loop. We were supposed to go out tonight and had it all planned till he texted me and said he was in trouble and he had to cancel. Right away I figured it was an April fools joke, but he insisted it wasn't so I started to believe him. Then out of nowhere my doorbell rings and when I went out to answer it I was assaulted from behind by none other than Joe himself. haha what a brat. My dad just laughed and laughed. I can kinda see humor in it now, but ugh. haha We went over to Taylor Steiners to watch tangled with everybody and it turned out to be a lot of fun! Mandi made it into my picture for a second time this week and it was quite and enjoyable evening. After we left their house we went to my favorite spot down knik where the lights were shining across the water and it had the whole pink haze thing going on, it was quite beautiful and a little bit perfect :) 
Grand day, Conference tomorrow!

Milk Cartons, Scissors, and one very beautiful lady

March 31, 2011
Dear Alice, I think you're gorgeous and you remind me of my great friend and fellow laurel, miss Haley Taylor. Sorry for taking your photo and posting it to my blog, but hey! I don't think you'll ever know so it's all good, right? haha Love you, girl. 
Today was busy and work was crazy. I didn't do much other than work and school. My mom and sister flew to Utah today! only a few short days till they are home with us again!

Service is AWESOME!

March 30, 2011
So I may have gotten incredibly behind in my posting, but I'm here to remedy that immediately! This is miss Mandi Wright who I absolutely love! we got to go clean a lady in our wards house tonight for activity and all my laurels showed up with great attitudes and everything they promised to bring and it was a great time. We had some really fun chatter and there was a lot of singing at the top of our lungs, it was great! 
I didn't go to school today, and I don't feel particularly bad about it. I got so much accomplished at home and at work that I would not have been able to do otherwise. You know you're in trouble when there really isn't much of any type of repercussion when you don't attend school. Oh well. Looks like I've got some rebooting to do with my motivation skills.