Sunday, April 17, 2011

a silent prayer, always

April 16, 2011
Dear world, I am the worlds biggest couch potato. The only person I interacted with outside my brothers was Cache and that was because I was stalling going home so I took a graduation announcement over to their house lol and Joe, but I didn't actually get to see him. I got fig newtons! I've been craving them for days. And I ate almost the whole package by myself. I kinda splurged and got two movies and breadsticks and fig newtons. no wonder I feel so icky, I didn't do anything but sit all day. I'm still sitting! what in the world. I got to talk to my mom for a bit, that's always nice. I really love that lady, she is quite fantastic. I now know why God created the weekends, so we could regain our sanity to make it through another week. I only wish he had made it a 5 day weekend and a 2 day week.. that would probably help with a lot of peoples sanity. Just a thought big guy. haha 
my picture today is my mothers crystals, some of them. My dad buys her one at the state fair each year and she's got quite a few. We recently hung them up in the kitchen window because that's where we get the most light and it's truly been a joy. Well I ought to get some sleep. Long day tomorrow. 
Goodnight, World, sweet dreams. Keep my loved ones safe.

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