Sunday, April 17, 2011

Living with nightmares is no fun.

April 15, 2011
It's time for the kids to start playing on the practice field again, spring must be here. 
Life is pretty good. I've been so cranky and snappy towards the girls lately and I can't understand it. I know I haven't been sleeping enough, but geez. I really have to work on that one. I realized today just how far behind I am in algebra. It's silly really, I just let myself not do the assignments and skip school like it was no big deal, and it wasn't. But now I've got to make up for as much as I can. I hate math. 
I really hate feeling like I can't show other people my pictures. 
I got paid today. And took the boys over to Joe's house to have dinner and a movie with him and his family. It was a lot of fun and Bob kept making fun of me for snuggling with Joe.. oh well, little brothers. geez. haha I really like their family. Life  is good. I love the weekends and can't wait till the day when I can just work and that will be the bane of my existence. I dislike having so many things I have to do all the time. Just give me one thing to focus on and I've got it made. With school (and all that entails), work, my family, being laurel president, trying to figure out what to do with my life, and making sure I have enough money to do it.. I'm just getting burned out which I suppose is how you're supposed to feel at the end, but why is it that everyone seems to be handling it so much better than I am. I'm about to take some kids head off just for being an idiot in the hallway, it really has gotten to the point where I long for the day I no longer have to walk those halls and am able to just float for a bit. I understand that everyone at this point to some degree has given up, but mine is to the point where I said I'd watched a movie the night previous to the conversation, Kelsey jumped on it saying she hated it and I just got so frustrated, that reaction is not normal. I'm so fed up with everything that it's started to rub off on the people I want most in my life. Maybe that's why college was designed so everybody could get out and do their own thing while they still had a little bit of a free spirit. Who knows. 
I can't wait for my family to come home and they've only been gone one day.

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