Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dear Sabrina, This is really your last prom.. kinda

April 9, 2011
The photo for today is postponed until further notice. I took a really great one, but sad story it's on Kaylee's camera.. so until she gets it to me, we'll just have to wait. haha oh well, what can you do.
Me and Joe went out to prom dinner with Kaylee and Tallon after I spent most of the day at Jens and Kelsey came over for breakfast with the whole family. It was a blast. Jen did me up all pretty again. It was fun, we always have a good time doing that. We went to dinner at the Valley Hotel in Palmer then went out to the old Matanuska river bridge to take pictures. It was a lot of fun and mostly we were just goofing off so I don't think there's a serious picture in the bunch. But mostly I think those are the best kind of photos. Then we left them and went to the church for about 20 minutes of the dance before heading over to Cache's house to watch a movie and watch the movie Joe and the boys made a couple days ago. It was actually pretty hilarious. All in all it was a pretty fantastic day and I felt like a princess :)

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