Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cheers for engagements

August 3, 2011
I felt that this photo was only so appropriate today considering today is the day an avid blog reader and very dear friend of mine got engaged!!!Congrats Rachael and Kevin, I'm so excited for you both! 
This is a paper doll thing that came with one of our mutual activities, I assembled it, but Miss Nan Summers did the lovely temple outline and tied the bow (which in itself is quite the task) That was over two years ago and ever since I've had it hanging on my wall reminding me everyday of what I want in my life and there's someone amazing out there waiting for me. Thank you so much for this, Nan. I couldn't leave it sitting in a box in Wasilla, It's become a daily reminder for me and I don't think I could handle losing it now. What just seemed like paper and glue to some girls that were at the activity has been life changing for me. I know that was always my goal when I planned activities to make sure that everyone was benefiting in some way from the activity at hand, glad to report that at least once it worked for me : ) I even had it framed haha 
Here's to forever.


Rachael Snow said...

Absolutely, here's to forever! we are so blessed to be able to obtain eternal marriage in the temple. i cannot wait to marry kevin forever, not just this life. thank you for your love and support my friend.

~Sabrina~ said...

I can't describe how excited I am for you! Where are you guys getting married? Oh my goodness I'm so happy for you : )