Thursday, April 7, 2011

This is what happy looks like

April 5, 2011
Today was fun :) Joe met my mom and sister for the first time. It was nice to be able to introduce them to somebody like him who makes me so happy. We had delicious gluten free lasagna for dinner and went to help Jen and Nick paint their new house. It was the most fun I've ever had painting! :) First of all I love Jen and Nick because they are so goofy and excited about having their own house and are decorating it whichever way they want. It's kinda fantastic. And also because my fantastic boyfriend agreed to spend his afternoon helping me and my friends. What a great guy :) 
also I love not going to school!


Joe Wolverton said...

Haha red and green don't match. But with you and me it seems to be working perfectly!

Anonymous said...

Awe how sweet of Joe! Lol. That is funny.