Thursday, September 15, 2011

Put it in the big purse

September 15, 2011
Today was interesting. I went with Andrea to get our new cars registered and geez, it cost quite a bit more than I had originally planned on spending. Oh well. Necessary evil. Emissions test tomorrow! ...and that's more money, this owning a car stuff is nuts! Although I'd get nowhere without it.. haha no pun intended. :) 
I went out with Michele for the first time this week haha it's just been a busy week apparently. We went to this delicious chinese buffet where I took a picture of the soy sauce we were contemplating putting in the big purse. haha next time.. :) 
Then went shopping and got hangers and silverware and stuff for me and my soon to be new apartment! 
Crazy times going on here :)

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