Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 9, 2011
The day started off with us all visiting my Cousin Shelly and her lovely little family who happen to live in Rexburg as well. After spending some time with my darling little second cousins we were back on the road to visit their pathetically small walmart, the temple, take a quick tour of town and campus, help Linnea move all her billions of belongings from storage then be back on the road home not too long after lunchtime. 
I've just got to say that I love all Linnea's roommates especially her best friend Mary who is pretty much Linnea's twin in every aspect. I forgot to mention that last night we went out to dinner with her and Linnea's newly married friends Kelly and Stuart. Oh my goodness after hearing stories about them for a year I finally got to meet them and they all more than exceeded my expectations. I'm glad there is people there who love my sister so stinking much. 
The drive back was much more gentle than the drive there because I drove the whole way there, but thankfully Andrea wanted to drive home. So I let her take it for more than half the way then we swung by and checked out the neighborhood that she's thinking of moving into and oh my gosh it was beautiful! We're going to see the inside of the house tomorrow then we'll see. 
We decided that it was an Olive Garden evening and invited grandma and grandpa to meet us there. About halfway through the meal I started feeling really sick and then I fell asleep while sitting up so after we washed all the bugs off the truck, I got to go home, take some lovely medicine and sleep for about 14 hours. My head feels like it weighs 100 pounds.

1 comment:

Linnea Holbrook said...

I really love my hair in this picture!!!!!!