October 1, 2011
Oh today of all days to be absolutely ridiculous. I'm not quite sure how it started out, but I do remember I forgot to sleep last night and I was in a tizzy to get to Nancy's for conference so my thoughts were going all over the heck and gone.
I've just got to say that conference was so amazing I am so grateful to have that ability in my life to listen to the words of latter-day prophets and seers. How cool, huh?
I got all kinds of peace from listening to the words that were so carefully chosen by the smartest men in our church. It was an amazing experience and one that only comes twice a year so I definitely ate it up.
As for the rest of the day, I cleaned the house like mad and did some grocery shopping because we had plans that involved us all making breakfast together. Although things tend to change when unexpected family tragedies occur.
Unfortunately my grandma's brother Bob passed away today. It is definitely a sad thing. I feel really bad because I didn't know him, but I understand what it's like to lose a brother and that is not something I would wish on anyone. Hang in there, Michele, I love you!
Saying anything following that just sounds strange, but the rest of the night went as follows, Grandparents came home, Linnea, Micah, Brittany and Kristi arrived. Linnea and Sabrina search for a hotel to crash at for the night, acquire hotel. Find hotel. Make all kinds of noise and laugh till guts threatened to split. Had good old fashioned girl time doing something none of us had ever done before. There was sleep talking and ring browsing and stupid ice machines, with some boy conversations. It was a pretty great evening and we didn't get nearly enough sleep, but I know this quote that goes something like this "you never remember the nights where you got enough sleep" Meaning that there is usually something great to do and if your choice is between sleep and something great, choose the something great, you can sleep when it's over.
Also me and Kristi are the same person!