Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Curly or not?

October 24, 2011
These are my cousins on my moms side who live within an hour of me :) We all went out to dinner at Olive Garden in Layton with Grandma Michele who is in fact taking the picture. It was such fun. Rebecca is the one next to me, then Cody, then Aubrie. I love those people. My guts were about to split from eating so much and laughing so hard. 
It's good to be around family.

Conference in the Stake variety.

October 23, 2011
I went to the conference center in downtown today for the first time. I mean, I've been there before, but today was because I had to go attend church. Stake conference to be exact. Welcome to Utah, where things like that actually happen. Holy cow. It was so awesome. I left with plenty of time, but jokes on me, no one knows how to drive downtown so I ended up being a good 20 minutes late after the parking and walking and all that. I was in the same room as Elaine S. Dalton and David A. Bednar, who personally I think looks and talks very much like John Bytheway. 
Anyway it was a beautiful walk to where I stashed my car and I got to have a Sunday afternoon nap for the first time in months and months and that fact made me so unbelievably happy, it's silly how happy that made me. I used to nap everyday at the office before work or at home on Sundays, my how l.life changes. 
Anyway I went to the family birthday party that my moms side of the family puts on each month, well they try for each month. Andrea and Rebecca were there and me and Rebecca just talked and talked. Grandma Betty thought we were up to no good, which is usually the case, but I love having my cousin here! I'm so proud of her for moving here too. 
Life is good today.

Who knew something was the most beautiful as it lay dying?

October 22, 2011
I drove through Provo canyon to Heber today, I've never done that before, but it was super fun. And I laughed and sang at the top of my lungs. Then I went all the way up Squaw Peak road which oh my goodness was so beautiful and the view from the top of the whole Utah valley was breathtaking... literally, the altitude'll getcha! 
I think I'm a lot funnier than I actually am. I stopped in on my wonderful Provo friends, Kristi and Brittany and chatted up with them for a few moments and oh my goodness Brittany is a lifesaver because she had an extra Iphone cord so I finally updated my phone after all the itunes crap I've been getting. 
Anyway, It was a grand day and I love to go exploring. Also, I am excited to move to Provo.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Enjoying the journey

October 21, 2011
So I'm not sure how long this post is going to be, but I just took my nighttime allergy meds and they seem to be kicking in fairly quickly this time.. oh dear. haha 
I liked this photo because you can see the hands. Also this was originally supposed to be one of those silly see the camera and the photographer ones, but I'm not the biggest fan of being photographed, so this is what happens. 
I had a slight meltdown this evening because I've been toying with the idea of trying to go to college and I started looking up some programs online, and my brain just started to shut down and I was terrified and freaking out and if it hadn't been for a friend calling me then, I would still be a mess. Alas, as always he said the right thing and I feel a lot better now. I just hate it how it's so inconceivable for someone in my age and situation to not only not be going to school, but having no desire to anytime soon as well. I hate how people always as questions the wrong way. I know I've taken far too long to figure things out without pursuing one facet really well, but there is no reason why I can't be a stupid teenager for once in my life. All the people who have been freaking out about my situation are people I don't even care about so I don't know why this whole big rant. I will do what makes me happy, because life is much to short to miserable. 
On a quest to happiness.

I tried sniffing coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.

October 20, 2011
I went to Shopko today for the first time, Oh my goodness never let me go back there. I spent a hundred bucks and could have spent hundreds and hundreds more. I loved it! And I got fantastic purple winter-ish boots so that takes care of that problem for now. They are just like my uggs that I used to wear constantly at home so we'll see how they work out. I'm so excited to have to buy winter things, It's coming!!! :) 
I love my grandma Michele, she's so fun and we have such a great time together, and she takes me to places like the old spaghetti factory and gets me cups and bowls and stuff haha 
I know that no one but a few of the people who have been out to dinner with us will understand, but I'm so glad I've been introduced to the "big purse" even if I never take advantage of it. 
Anyway, more blogging on the way.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cousins and Christmas lights

October 19, 2011
Oh look what found their way home in my shopping cart? : ) Never too early to spread some Christmas joy. I just can't get in the Halloween spirit and that is more than fine with me currently, I'm very happy with my Christmas lights and jolly tunes.
I got all kinds of things done today along with having a gigantic asthma attack which put a damper on my whole day and made me ridiculously tired. Just once I would like to run and not have an asthma attack. So I'll be coughing for awhile. 
Anyway I'm off to bed because it is much much too late.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Beauty is in the eye of the... Bee-holder ;)

October 18, 2011
I really hate it when you type an entire post and everything looks good then you press that magical "publish post" button and in an instant, those paragraphs are erased and you're left with the feeling that nothing will be right in the world again. Story of this post. 
So in short, today I went to Provo with my darling sister Andrea, looked at a bunch of apartments, got lost and wound up in the canyon (the result of which I am so so thankful for ^ ^) Found Autumn again, went to Spanish Fork to visit with cousin Lisa and her son Simon, back to Provo to meet up with Brittany and Kristi for dinner at Applebees. Back home to West Jordan to make Andrea look at all of my photos and listen to me tell her the stories behind each one. 
Grand day, sorry the post got deleted, I'm a happy happy camper.

Oh, dear.

October 17, 2011
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love to play with crayons. Today was not all that significant and I don't recall leaving the house.. But tomorrow I'm going to Provo and going apartment hunting!! : ) Maybe I'll talk Andrea into going with me again. Wish me luck!

Monday, October 17, 2011

There is SNOW on those mountains!!!!!

October 16, 2011
View from my window. Literally. I was hanging out my window when I took this and my neighbor looked at me like I have two heads. One thing I've noticed about sunsets around here is that it takes the sun about 2 minutes to go down, start to finish. BAM. done. I thought it was interesting. 
I chose this photo because I love the kids riding by on their bikes, they all yelled hi to me as they went by, I have hope that there are still just generally nice people out there. 
I went to church today as always and it was kinda funny to me because there was a kid who came to talk with his parents that was like 16. Not that there is anything wrong with being 16, I just thought it was funny that out of the zillions of young single adults in my current ward that they couldn't find one that needed to speak. 
Anyway enough about that, I'm seriously apartment hunting this week in Provo, I want to move into my own place and have roomies. It's going to be good.

I love Autumn!!

October  15, 2011
I found autumn! Granted I had to drive 2 hours through a canyon, over a river, into another valley and by a few temples to do it. I was so very very happy! 
So I decided to go to Logan today, because I missed my aunt and I figured that someday this is the time of year I'd like to be married because of the fall colors in Logan. So I was scoping it out. And I got to see Andria as well! and her crazy college life she's got going on. 
It was just a good day and I like being in my car alone with my thoughts. It gives me plenty of time to scheme for the future, also to sing very loudly and car dance while other cars stare in disgust or laugh. Fun stuff : ) 
I got to have a nice little chat with aunt Jeanne and she bought me a flufffy purple blanket! I didn't tell her I already have two, what's another one going to hurt? this one is perfect! and matches my new sheets. That is for once I finally get into my apartment. 
Anyway, good day and I watched the sun go down with Andria while sitting on the lawn of the Logan temple. It was kinda fantastic. Then I drove back in the pitch dark while getting stuck in traffic and talking to my dear friend, Pat. 
I've really got to work on going to sleep earlier and waking up at a decent hour. Then I would actually get something accomplished in my days.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Peter Pan, you inspire me.

October 14, 2011
Well today was the funeral day and it was unlike any funeral I've been to, but considering the last funeral I went to that I remember was my brothers I'm not surprised it was strange. It's always nice to see how much families love one another.It got me thinking about one day, hopefully a very very long time in the future when my family that survives me puts on my funeral. Under no circumstances are you to sing "god be with you till we meet again" instead I'd like my favorite hymn "abide with me, 'tis eventide" Also I would like to be buried in jeans and my very favorite hoodie (whichever one that might be at the time) None of that dress nonsense for me. And let the mortuary do me up all good because lets face it, I never wear more make-up than mascara and eyeliner so it'd be a welcome change haha I think that's all for now.
To die would be an awfully big adventure.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Wherever you're going, I'm goin' your way

October 13, 2011
I am a sincerely crazy lady. Also I nearly forgot to take a photo today. So this is my head with most of my hair pretty things dispersed throughout. 
I just keep thinking how great it feels to get away from those people that I saw everyday for the past four years at least. A select few that were good influences and the majority who weren't. It's nice to be far far away. Don't get me wrong, I miss most of them dearly, but for now I love this life. 
I went out to dinner with Michele, Melody, Gina and her friend and Michele's brother Lou and  his son Lou Jr. It was really fun. They are a merry bunch, despite the reason for the gathering. 
Tomorrow is the funeral. Lord give us all strength.

A new bike for a new girl.

October 12, 2011
This isn't exactly the picture I had in mind, but It'll do for today. This is my new bike! Complete with basket and all :) 
My day is going to sound really boring to most of you, but I rode my bike around for hours, so much so that now I think it needs a nice fill up in air in the tires and I need a new left knee. My goal is to lose forty pounds by christmas so I've got to step it up a notch, but I've headed in the right direction because yesterday was my first day of my 6 months sugar free. most people would say I'm crazy or I don't need to or whatever, but I want to feel better and being in the state I'm in currently, I don't feel good. So turn your nose up if you will, but there is no reason why I shouldn't be skinny and feel healthy and fun. And be able to run a mile. at least a mile. I go running lately, but my dang asthma and allergy combination does nothing for me and that whole staying alive thing that most people try to achieve. 
Anyway, I've got grand plans and I sincerely hope to achieve them. Keep your fingers crossed for me : )

Thursday, October 13, 2011


October 11, 2011
Today was back to the grind. Although Andrea called me in the afternoon and asked me to go with her to meet a friends friend who was doing makeovers and a photoshoot so I did and it was strange and turned out to be a Mary Kay make-up thing. It was strange and they were all kinda overly nice people. 
Andrea's car shakes like nobodies business when it idles so I laughed and told her it was like getting a massage. 
I feel like I've completely lost track of what I was meaning to say.

All I do the whole day through is dream of you

October 10, 2011
Also I tend to take photos while driving... really bad habit, but what can you do? 
I liked this one because you can barely see my bike in the rearview mirror. And you get the full picture. me and all my stuff haha 
Today was a great day, I went out to lunch with Linnea to some teryaki place which was absolutely delicious! Then headed home by way of Logan because I wanted to see the temple and all the autumn colors which haven't quite come in all the way yet. It was a good drive and I blasted music the whole way, made it home then basically dropped in my bed and slept till tuesday. My mind does funny things when I'm alone and today I couldn't get a certain returned missionary out of my head which isn't a bad thing, it just makes me wish for Christmas and next year a little bit more. Who knows what life holds in store for me? :) 

If you had told me two years ago...

October 9, 2011
Today was wonderful! The sun was nice and warm, but with an unmistakable chill in the air to remind everyone that fall is on the way :) That's my favorite season! We went to church because Linnea persuaded me to stay an extra day. After sacrament meeting most of the sunday school rooms were full so we decided to take a turn in the garden which is quite darling if I may mention. Linnea's roomies were complaining about their heels and the chill so they sat while me and Linnea walked all around and took silly pictures. It is quite an amazing garden to have just hanging out on a college campus. We went back in for relief society which was much like any relief society I've ever been to. After church the whirlwind started again. We went home then to Kelly&Stewarts and laughed as they tried to decide where to hang which photo. Then back to Jordans for their crepe party. There were an abundance of crepe jokes and everyone laughed a lot. I decided there were way too many bodies inside so me and Micah went to sit on the ledge outside and soon because the popular spot for the people that I knew and laughed with. Stewart started singing the friday song and it was all over from there, I laughed until I was sure my gut was going to split and then laughed some more. We headed back to Linneas and I took it easy because I think I had too much crepe so she made me delicious soup and saltines and I was a happy camper. 

I have dreams of you every night.

October 8, 2011
Obviously this was a busy day for me. I awoke, spent a little bit more time with miss Hunter then said our good-byes and went to lunch with the Milsteads : ) Which was absolutely fantastic and made me miss those crazies all the more when I left to head to Rexburg. It's supposed to be a little over 3 hours worth of driving, but I sped and made it in 2 and a half hours :) I could not have asked for better weather however and more than a time or two I contemplated pulling over to get a few shots of the beautiful countryside, but I powered through and ended up waiting an hour in Linnea's living room for her to show up anyway.. haha Oh well, such is life with that lady. Then life got really crazy. We went out to dinner with all her friends who are absolutely hilarious and her best friend Kelly's husband, Stewart looks a lot like Dallin and it weirded me out when I first met him, but he laughs at everything and seems to think I'm funny so it all worked out. The whole dinner was fantastic and everyone was so happy and chatty and mischievous which just added to the splendid mood. Then I went and got a bike! after a quick trip to walmart with Linnea, Kelly and Stewart which was even more laughs. Me and Linnea headed over to our cousin Michelles and she sold me her old adorable bike! I'm sure it'll be in some pictures here soon. Then we went to pick up Micah and made a happy night out of it at Linnea's friend Jordans. let me tell you, those boys are some hilarious characters. No wonder Linnea rants and raves about them. Anyway as you can see we went and spent some time on the field goofing off and they just kind of humored me and went for it on a lot of the things I told them to do, then Micah decided to stay the night with us so we stayed up way to late watching a movie and as soon as they decided to call it a night and headed upstairs, Joe called me and talked for a solid hour. It was madness. 
Busy days I have : )

"Uhh did you know there's a giant hole in the ground?"

October 7, 2011
This is us! haha and you can't see the falls, but they are right behind us. After her volleyball practice she drove me to all the falls and we went out to lunch then back to her place for girltalk and a movie. I feel so silly because I have been out of society for so long that I have to sort of re-teach myself what is and is not appropriate to say in everyday conversation haha oh well, I was probably always a lost cause to that affect anyhow. Then we went to see Real Steel with her parents which was super fun and all of them together are the funniest bunch of people. I appreciate them. 
It's a grand weekend.

Welcome change.

October 6, 2011
Today was a fantastic day. I'm sure this is at least 4 years overdue, but I came to terms with the fact that my "best friend" is not my best friend any longer and that fact makes me sort of happy. Some people have a definite time that they belong in your life, and we had long overstayed our welcome in each others lives and now I get to move on and make all kinds of friends and do crazy teenager things and get married and all that and it's my big adventure that I'm okay to share by simply enjoying the moments as they come. 
Last night when I went to go to bed, the temperature was steadily dropping outside and when I awoke it was around 35 degrees and raining which as I prepared for my trip quickly turned into snow. I was so happy! I actually had to wear a sweater!! Funny how not even two days ago it was 85 degrees at all hours it seemed. Anyway, grandpa helped me secure the bike rack to my little car so I could tote my bike home and I was off to Twin Falls! It was a glorious drive and I'd never been there before so had absolutely no idea what to expect, the snow had touched all areas of Utah and southern Idaho, but quit about an hour into the drive then all there was was a torrential downpour! It was an adventure to drive in with my silly faulty windshield wipers, but I made it to Hunters house in one piece! Then I got to see her!!! : ) I already determined that this is going to be the best weekend on record. 
We went to her volleyball game which they won! It was the first time they'd beaten that team in like the history of the school or something. It was great and I went out for icecream with the team afterwards. They were all so happy it was contagious and quite lovely. Contrary to what my picture depicts, I only had one thing of ice cream.. haha and I probably shouldn't have even had that because this whatever I have sure seems an awful lot like lactose intolerance. 
Anyway, I'm so glad to be here with my dear friend Hunter and her wonderful family.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset.

October 5, 2011
So today was a very very sick day for me, but I'm incredibly relieved that it's today and not tomorrow because I'm going to see Hunter! Anyway I spent most of the day sleeping and watching movies (That netflix this is pretty snazzy) Although I did have the opportunity to watch the sunrise which was absolutely amazing. No picture will every do it justice. 
So excited for tomorrow!

Penny for your thoughts

October 4, 2011
I journeyed to the mall today to buy a sweater I saw there last week and much to my chagrin, it had long since been purchased by some other very content with her new sweater lady. 
So I wandered around the mall for awhile in search of something equally as wonderful, unfortunately, it was not to be found. So I gathered myself up off the floor and puttered to my car to head home. 
Upon seeing these lovely beads in my window I was reminded of my wonderful friend, miss Hunter Sagers who I am going to visit this very weekend in Twin Falls, Idaho. She gave them to me, you see and although we've only spent two short weeks together in our lives, she is one of my dearest friends. 

Cheez-its? Yes please.

October 3, 2011
So this is October, it seems an awfully lot like September so far, they keep telling me that it's supposed to get colder and that this place actually does have a winter, but for now, I'm not so sure.
I try to type this to make it sound like I do all these glorious things in my day to day life, but the truth is that I have fallen in a funk of sorts and am trying desperately to make some kind of forward motion so I don't remain like this forever. 
I went for a run today and damaged my knee further. It just really doesn't like running, or walking, or moving for that matter lately. But I'm getting a bike this weekend and I'll power through it! 
Life is good. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Word of the wise, don't do photographable things around me unless you want evidence.

October 2, 2011
Happy 55th birthday to my fantastic father! Happy last day of general conference to the rest of the world! 
Today was just a good day, although Brittany kept making comments that made her sound hungover, although that may have something to do with her energy drink drinking and staying up till 4 ish a.m. Nevertheless she was quite entertaining and slept through most of conference. Because of our changed plans, Nancy and Larry were kind enough to let Brittany and Kristi tag along to enjoy conference at their home. It was a glorious conference yet again. Although towards the end I started wavering a little bit and had to get up and move around to avoid falling asleep, but as you can see, Kristi was not so lucky and I got proof. (Kristi, please forgive me for the photo :))
Afterwards we headed back to Brittany and Kristi's where I got situated on the couch and didn't move for at least 2 and a half hours. It was a great afternoon. haha Linnea showed up and joined in our merry party while we awaited the arrival of Brittany's new beau. Known among Brittany's friends as Tophski or tophalicious. At long last the moment arrived with him and of course it was in the midst of our silliest moment so there was no stopping the laughing, poor guy. haha but oh my stinkin' goodness, they were so adorable! 
At long last I had to depart and made it back to West Jordan while having an entertaining conversation with Joe Wolverton. Who is doing all kinds of better, by the way. and sent Linnea and Micah off on their merry way back to Rexburg and now I sleep, for a long long time. because I'm not sure if any of what I have said today makes sense and I have a bad feeling that some of it will come back to haunt me. Oh well, Goodnight, World.

Friendly toes!

October 1, 2011
Oh today of all days to be absolutely ridiculous. I'm not quite sure how it started out, but I do remember I forgot to sleep last night and I was in a tizzy to get to Nancy's for conference so my thoughts were going all over the heck and gone.
I've just got to say that conference was so amazing I am so grateful to have that ability in my life to listen to the words of latter-day prophets and seers. How cool, huh? 
I got all kinds of peace from listening to the words that were so carefully chosen by the smartest men in our church. It was an amazing experience and one that only comes twice a year so I definitely ate it up. 
As for the rest of the day, I cleaned the house like mad and did some grocery shopping because we had plans that involved us all making breakfast together. Although things tend to change when unexpected family tragedies occur. 
Unfortunately my grandma's brother Bob passed away today. It is definitely a sad thing. I feel really bad because I didn't know him, but I understand what it's like to lose a brother and that is not something I would wish on anyone. Hang in there, Michele, I love you! 

Saying anything following that just sounds strange, but the rest of the night went as follows, Grandparents came home, Linnea, Micah, Brittany and Kristi arrived. Linnea and Sabrina search for a hotel to crash at for the night, acquire hotel. Find hotel. Make all kinds of noise and laugh till guts threatened to split. Had good old fashioned girl time doing something none of us had ever done before. There was sleep talking and ring browsing and stupid ice machines, with some boy conversations. It was a pretty great evening and we didn't get nearly enough sleep, but I know this quote that goes something like this "you never remember the nights where you got enough sleep" Meaning that there is usually something great to do and if your choice is between sleep and something great, choose the something great, you can sleep when it's over. 
Also me and Kristi are the same person!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Crazy times with crazy talk

September 30, 2011
Today is my moms moms birthday! Also the best day I've had since the wedding. which I know is only like a week, but still! 
I got to sleep in today, not like I don't every day, but again, still! I got up and got ready and met up with Linnea and Micah and went to lunch at Ihop. Those girls are so funny. Then Micah went to meet up with her man while me and Linnea headed back to the homestead. (I don't know why I use expressions like that, feel free to ignore that..) Linnea was so funny because she just sort of spread out and kept trying to get comfortable, much like she usually does, but this time never actually found a spot that worked for her and gave up after awhile. Then we sent the grandparents off on their fun weekend at the dunes and headed to dinner at olive garden. Ya know, I was thinking about it and it's kinda silly because I don't think I've ever eaten anything that has to do with olives there. Food for thought. Then we went to Provo! Met up with Micah and sneak attacked Brittany and Kristy (I'm fairly certain I'm spelling her name completely wrong) Oh my goodness I have never heard so much screaming and seen so much hugging on someones arrival, but not in a bad way, it was so fun and I'm starting to think that's how people should always greet one another. Maybe I'll start doing that. We all caught up while they had dinner and there was a rather embarrassing moment where they made me tell them all the guys I've kissed, granted the list can be compiled on one hand, it was still rather embarrassing.And there is always questions about a current guy that follow conversations like that.. which sadly left them wanting for more because, good news! I got nothing. haha But unlike most girls my age, this is not the end of the world and I'm not a hideous person because of it. 
I really should stay on some kind of topic. Then we left in the thick of exiting game traffic and it was so so fun, I can't wait to live there! We were singing at the top of our lungs and driving everyone around us slightly insane and such. It was very entertaining. They went to get frozen yogurt then I dropped them off at Micahs car and I headed back to West Jordan and had a rather delightful discussion with my mother. I love that lady : ) Then proceeded to stay up all night which I'm going to regret tomorrow night for sure, but conference starts in a few hours and I've got big plans so it's a little late at this point. 
Off to the Willis' :)

When will they finally play our song?

September 29, 2011
Daily reminders are never a bad thing, unless that is of course they are reminders for bad things. Today was a good day, still being riddled with allergies I spent some time being a couch potato, but Andrea wanted to hang out so I got pizza and we did a little shopping then watched countless episodes of Bones which happens to be my favorite show on the face of the earth.. that has been going on for far far too long, but I love it so much! Linnea is heading down tonight with her dear friend Micah for the big conference weekend and all because they have tickets to Saturday morning session, which is super cool and I'm thinking that in April I'm going to try to go because frankly that would be so amazing. Just saying.

The mirror has two faces.

September 28, 2011
Everybody has at least two sides to their lives, some peoples are just more prevalent. And someday I will have pictures of other people on here like this.. someday. 
I didn't do anything again today, All this laying around being miserable is not working for me. I've got to get some medication that works. 
Sorry I sound miserable, I've got to work on that! Sorry.

Rose from the wedding

September 27, 2011
Today, I didn't accomplish anything. Allergy season is well upon us and holy cow I will never underestimate when someone complains about allergies again. It's definitely one of those things that can't be explained, I think anyway.