Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Conference in the Stake variety.

October 23, 2011
I went to the conference center in downtown today for the first time. I mean, I've been there before, but today was because I had to go attend church. Stake conference to be exact. Welcome to Utah, where things like that actually happen. Holy cow. It was so awesome. I left with plenty of time, but jokes on me, no one knows how to drive downtown so I ended up being a good 20 minutes late after the parking and walking and all that. I was in the same room as Elaine S. Dalton and David A. Bednar, who personally I think looks and talks very much like John Bytheway. 
Anyway it was a beautiful walk to where I stashed my car and I got to have a Sunday afternoon nap for the first time in months and months and that fact made me so unbelievably happy, it's silly how happy that made me. I used to nap everyday at the office before work or at home on Sundays, my how l.life changes. 
Anyway I went to the family birthday party that my moms side of the family puts on each month, well they try for each month. Andrea and Rebecca were there and me and Rebecca just talked and talked. Grandma Betty thought we were up to no good, which is usually the case, but I love having my cousin here! I'm so proud of her for moving here too. 
Life is good today.

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