Friday, October 14, 2011

Wherever you're going, I'm goin' your way

October 13, 2011
I am a sincerely crazy lady. Also I nearly forgot to take a photo today. So this is my head with most of my hair pretty things dispersed throughout. 
I just keep thinking how great it feels to get away from those people that I saw everyday for the past four years at least. A select few that were good influences and the majority who weren't. It's nice to be far far away. Don't get me wrong, I miss most of them dearly, but for now I love this life. 
I went out to dinner with Michele, Melody, Gina and her friend and Michele's brother Lou and  his son Lou Jr. It was really fun. They are a merry bunch, despite the reason for the gathering. 
Tomorrow is the funeral. Lord give us all strength.

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