Monday, October 17, 2011

There is SNOW on those mountains!!!!!

October 16, 2011
View from my window. Literally. I was hanging out my window when I took this and my neighbor looked at me like I have two heads. One thing I've noticed about sunsets around here is that it takes the sun about 2 minutes to go down, start to finish. BAM. done. I thought it was interesting. 
I chose this photo because I love the kids riding by on their bikes, they all yelled hi to me as they went by, I have hope that there are still just generally nice people out there. 
I went to church today as always and it was kinda funny to me because there was a kid who came to talk with his parents that was like 16. Not that there is anything wrong with being 16, I just thought it was funny that out of the zillions of young single adults in my current ward that they couldn't find one that needed to speak. 
Anyway enough about that, I'm seriously apartment hunting this week in Provo, I want to move into my own place and have roomies. It's going to be good.

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