October 21, 2011
So I'm not sure how long this post is going to be, but I just took my nighttime allergy meds and they seem to be kicking in fairly quickly this time.. oh dear. haha
I liked this photo because you can see the hands. Also this was originally supposed to be one of those silly see the camera and the photographer ones, but I'm not the biggest fan of being photographed, so this is what happens.
I had a slight meltdown this evening because I've been toying with the idea of trying to go to college and I started looking up some programs online, and my brain just started to shut down and I was terrified and freaking out and if it hadn't been for a friend calling me then, I would still be a mess. Alas, as always he said the right thing and I feel a lot better now. I just hate it how it's so inconceivable for someone in my age and situation to not only not be going to school, but having no desire to anytime soon as well. I hate how people always as questions the wrong way. I know I've taken far too long to figure things out without pursuing one facet really well, but there is no reason why I can't be a stupid teenager for once in my life. All the people who have been freaking out about my situation are people I don't even care about so I don't know why this whole big rant. I will do what makes me happy, because life is much to short to miserable.
On a quest to happiness.
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