Friday, October 14, 2011

A new bike for a new girl.

October 12, 2011
This isn't exactly the picture I had in mind, but It'll do for today. This is my new bike! Complete with basket and all :) 
My day is going to sound really boring to most of you, but I rode my bike around for hours, so much so that now I think it needs a nice fill up in air in the tires and I need a new left knee. My goal is to lose forty pounds by christmas so I've got to step it up a notch, but I've headed in the right direction because yesterday was my first day of my 6 months sugar free. most people would say I'm crazy or I don't need to or whatever, but I want to feel better and being in the state I'm in currently, I don't feel good. So turn your nose up if you will, but there is no reason why I shouldn't be skinny and feel healthy and fun. And be able to run a mile. at least a mile. I go running lately, but my dang asthma and allergy combination does nothing for me and that whole staying alive thing that most people try to achieve. 
Anyway, I've got grand plans and I sincerely hope to achieve them. Keep your fingers crossed for me : )


Michelle Starrs said...

I'm LOVING the bike ;) glad you are happy with it :) and glad it can help inspire some new goal achieving for you. You could look into the Dukan Diet? I've been researching it and reading the book. Not sure if I'm brave enough to try yet another plan to lose weight (i hate when I fail and I always do...) but it seems pretty legit. My favorite part so far is it doesn't say "and then just eat lettuce and never touch white bread again for the rest of your life and you'll stay thin forever!" But it has a pretty reasonable life-long life style change which says will keep the weight at bay. But it takes quite a lot of hard work to get there. But I don't know. I sorta hate fad diets but they always suck me in.... bla this comment is almost delete worthy so feel free hah

Midgee said...

You are amazing Sabrina! Just remember that you are always beautiful and will always be beautiful! Keep up the hard work, I know you can do anything you set your mind to. You have a determination that is inspiring. I love you! I support you! You rock! :D