Thursday, October 13, 2011

If you had told me two years ago...

October 9, 2011
Today was wonderful! The sun was nice and warm, but with an unmistakable chill in the air to remind everyone that fall is on the way :) That's my favorite season! We went to church because Linnea persuaded me to stay an extra day. After sacrament meeting most of the sunday school rooms were full so we decided to take a turn in the garden which is quite darling if I may mention. Linnea's roomies were complaining about their heels and the chill so they sat while me and Linnea walked all around and took silly pictures. It is quite an amazing garden to have just hanging out on a college campus. We went back in for relief society which was much like any relief society I've ever been to. After church the whirlwind started again. We went home then to Kelly&Stewarts and laughed as they tried to decide where to hang which photo. Then back to Jordans for their crepe party. There were an abundance of crepe jokes and everyone laughed a lot. I decided there were way too many bodies inside so me and Micah went to sit on the ledge outside and soon because the popular spot for the people that I knew and laughed with. Stewart started singing the friday song and it was all over from there, I laughed until I was sure my gut was going to split and then laughed some more. We headed back to Linneas and I took it easy because I think I had too much crepe so she made me delicious soup and saltines and I was a happy camper. 

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